I actually think this expansion is amazing. Tonnes of content and things to do, things could be A LOT worse for us cough diablo cough . I’m really enjoying running dungeons and progressing in difficulties, building up to raiding on my main and doing side content in between such as expeditions, world quests, PVP, gold farming etc.
There are some small changes that could be adjusted and are being adjusted but that’s all.
Just thought I’d have my say since people who hate it get to have their say and it would be nice to have both sides share their passion for the game.
Is there anyone else on the forums who’s actually having a great time?
*I did take a break as got hella bored with my warrior, didn’t really enjoy the simpleness style but Druid is very fun and exciting IMO with a lot of class fantasy and helped me relove the game.
Could’ve been alot worse doesn’t mean that this negates the fact that it could be so much better and that atm this expansions is way bellow Legion in any department.
A wise man once said don’t think there is not something worse possible,it always is BFA is just a living example
I find it to be an overall enjoyable expansion. Just in terms of sheer size and scale, there’s a lot you can sink your teeth into in Battle for Azeroth.
It’s mostly a question of whether you want to or not
A lot of the gameplay activities are the same tried-and-true ones as always. Raiding. Dungeons. Arenas. Etc…
But if you enjoy any of them, then there’s plenty of fun to be had
It’s alright to enjoy it. Everyone has their preferences. I personally think it could be a lot better however. A lot of systems leave much to be desired.
BfA just seems dull. Content exists, yet you cannot call it “exciting” whatsoever. I guess overexpected hype, that was created during the past 2 years, didn’t meet my personal expectations, therefore the lack of appreciation.
Just the same as you asking that question tbh, everybody is different, your opinion doesn’t merit more than the OP’s. Different things please different people.
I’d argue that isn’t the case and one of the main reasons is simple; the loot system.
As of right now, Azerite can’t be obtained in M+ and the only real benefit (for me) is trying to get Titanforging which is just a hugely frustrating mechanic on its own.
I mean, the content is good but the loot system has killed this expac for me so I’m only logging in for raids and doing nothing else right now because it just feels so dull since the chances of getting something is close to 0.
Pretty much. Almost everything in this expansion that’s worth getting is heavily RNG-based which in my opinion is a flawed system that burns people out.
Yeah, sorry, but when the only reason I’m still subbed is the fact that I RP, I can’t really agree with you on that. Most of the new stuff introduced in this expansion have gone stale a week after being launched, some classes have taken a nosedive into unplayability, azerite armor and a myriad other things mentioned by tons of other people, and what does Blizzard do? Oh better nerf them corgi goggles, can’t have people having fun with something they pay for every month.
Idk man… I’m arrived to the 360 ilvl and I’m over tuned for normal uldir and normal mythic, under tuned for heroic udir, emissary and quest offer low gear, m+ I have few chances to get loot at the end and most of the run end up abrouptly, rares in arathi same low gear… i often found myself staring the premade group tab in Boralus… and doing nothing… I’m chasing transmog thunder throne, but I’m locked… TW done… well… I’m glad you find lots of things to do I was like you at your ilvl.
It’s not as good as Legion was, but it’s far from being as bad as WoD. There’s actual stuff to do, after all. We’re not all sitting in Boralus/Dazar’alor doing nothing but stare at a mission table UI.
Mythic+ is still here and personally I think it’s way more enjoyable now than it was in Legion, having predictable affixes you can make proper strategies around. Managed to get a +12 in time with my group and we’re trying for a +13, but we need more gear first. It’s got progression just like raids now.
Raiding itself is fine, it’s always been good, and island expeditions are…eh, but they’re just a thing you do a few times a week and then they’re done. It’s best not to do them in bulk.
I’m fine with the azerite armour system, although I still think it needs fewer passive traits and more active ones to be properly engaging.
My only major peeve with the expansion is the item level capping at +10 keystones, I think it should keep going to +15 before capping at 385. That stuff is just as hard as Mythic raiding, despite what some people say. Titanforging is my other peeve. Loot should be earned, not given out from a lottery draw, and that will always be my view of it.
8.0 is a fairly solid foundation for things to come, but it’s a bit too barebones in itself to stand on its own feet.
8.1 adds so much stuff which should have been here already that it makes you wonder who pushed the decision to release early with so much hype and why. But well, that’s done and gone so let’s find out what we’re actually getting now that the shareholders had their fix of a big cash injection.
Take your glasses off, what content? Raiding and mythic+? That’s about it. World content is completely worthless when you have done the reputations, …unrewarding. Island expeditrion? Why? Azerite is worthless. Warfronts? 1 a month for the 370 item. Soooooo much content…lol Legion had a lot of content, BfA on the other hand has nothing.
I’m a casual and had low expectations from this xpac, and I got bored of it faster than any other expansion I’ve played.
The new features (warfronts, island expeditions) aren’t fun, and the rest of the game feels like a watered down, nerfed Legion. imo, not only was bfa rushed, the dev team didn’t really have any inspiration while making it. Honestly, I would’ve prefered another year of Legion than what we got now.
I just hope they improve on it in future patches and not let it go the way of WoD.
I always enjoy every expansion but also always have my niggles. In Legion it was dungeon-gated professions, PvP zones in the open world and the sewers, and the broken shore “questline” gating.
This expansion was as usual, awesome to play first time round. Love the zones, quests, and storyline. Hated going to the other faction’s island because I kept running into their outposts and getting flagged but soon learnt and nobody attacked me. War campaign is not a patch on class specific questlines, I don’t enjoy any of the dungeons but there is SOME enjoyment in gearing to 340/350 for me.
My major disappointment is that 8.1 is a month later than I expected, I have left my main untouched since mid October. I want more story, which I know requires waiting over 2 years but it seems badly paced and also not very alt-friendly.