BFA is just so bad

Compare to nighthold then? Dont compare it to one of the worst raids of the expansion just make it seem fine

Just do what I did…

Smashed m+ for a week and got 405 ilevel. Then all you needs titanforge gear from m+10 (f*** that). Then casually log in for raids and odd nights with the guild for the next 6 months.

And spend the majority of your week on a better game. Anthems out in 9 days and looks incredible.

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Yeah really hoping that they fix it in 8.2

Yes yes yes. Everything is bad. A true tragedy, the apocalypse has come…

Next please…

Nighthold was second tier though, I get you don’t enjoy it and I have a rather large amount of problems with BFA but bending all logic to fit your narrative only makes you look entirely salty.
Uldir was first tier as was EN
BoD is second tier as is nighthold so compare those if you want to make any sense.

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That’s the problem with it the gameplay is bad and awful and breed’s toxic pug community in which no one cares for each other,also I do agree quests and art style and graphics are amazing and I love it but everything else about the expansion is a huge miss.

Ever since wotlk wow went into a bad > good expansion mode.

Wotlk > Cata ( bad ) > MoP ( Awesome ) > WoD ( utterly bad ) > Legion ( awesome ) > Bfa ( average ).

Wow is a 14 year old game, blizzard’s philosophy is to innovate and upgrade, sometimes they hit and sometimes they miss, infact it’s getting to the point where they are messing up less and succeeding more, give it time.

Bfa has huge potential imo.

Also you played at the end of legion, the game is always most fun at the end of ana expansion.

Because you start hitting those crazy stat levels that make your rotation extremely smooth and experimental fun stuff start getting added into the game ( crazy set bonuses ) / legendaries / trinkets with unique effects.

For legion we had double / triple legendaries, alongside huge buff from artifact, in MoP we had the legendary back and cdr and the like trinkets, in cata we had that tentacale spawning sword which was hella fun to play with.


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I’m not finding it that bad personally but then I don’t do a lot of the content that others enjoy so I’m alright with it generally. I’m just casually collecting mounts and trying to make some gold.

I prefer the setting and story of this expansion a lot more than I did in Legion but somethings I do miss from Legion such as the artifact weapons, class halls, class mounts and class specific transmog sets.


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