BFA is just so bad

So i began playing wow in early tomb of sargeras. Sure call me a casual that’s fine i dont mind. BUT i can’t stand this called ‘‘expansion’’- This is honestly just overall sad. When i began in legion there was a happines in playing WOW/ Legion. I loved all the dungeons exept like The Archway. M+ in legion as a boomkin was one of my favorite thing i did and was just overall happy playing the spec. And remember i began playing wow in tomb and i diden’t have much knowledge of the game, But i still loved playing back in legion. But this expansion, this stupid type of expansion just makes my head explode. Problems: Dungeon’s suck, Way to trash heavy , the raids are awfull, no intersting content to do. Traits suck. Azerite armor is awfull. Good things about the expansion: In freehold when he says ‘‘I know me puch would help out’’ i found funny everytime. This expansions need to be fixed it’s slow paced asf and just bad. Legendaries and the weapon in legion was one of the key thing in the expansion that made it fun. Pretty sure that they can’t really fix this now. Aggre if u want Disaggre and tell me why would love to here aswell


Preach to the choir my Friend :wink:

Though, you can’t really compare bad expansions unless you played Cata or at least WoD :stuck_out_tongue:
It’s like every second expansion is half or fully bad, for some reason. Personally with this one… I feel like it’s a come-together of scrapped idears and test of new things.
The art and enviorement is amazing as always <3 but the gameplay is… meh.
Regardless, next expansion can only be great, after this one.


Go play something else then, you can always resub when the next patch/exp hits. You’ve only just started the game so you aren’t as invested as some of us are.

Anyway, I’m not sure what you want GD to do about it?

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That’s the thing there aint nothing else to play, there is nothing similair to wow in the case, and tbh think i have come som way for begining in Tomb

I meant emotionally.

the only bad things in the expansion is.

trying to please to everyone.
azerite system(supposed be fix in 8.2 my hope is low)
the rng aspect of the gearing aspect.

This is the thing.
There is nothing out there that scratches the MMORPG itch in a satisfying way.
Crowfall will happen and Black Dessert is graphically extraordinary but neither have the sheer weight of massiveness.

I would argue that WoW has become like #FB, instagram and twitter.
It filled a fundamental need or niche when it was launched and has evolved for long enough to have its own gravity on the internet.

I think of online gaming as the 3rd internet service.

IRL there are the top 3:
Police, Fire and Ambulance. The 4th & 5th are Telecoms and Finance.

Online the top 3 are:
Search, Social and Gaming.
You will easily be able to put a name to each of the 3
(google [cough] nobody actually uses bing)
WoW (Actiblizz) is one of the major players in the Gaming category.
I find it hard to imagine it actually “dying”

WoW is like the Beatles.
Not really the best musicians if we are honest but they were in the right place, at the right time, with the right skills, right instruments, right faces, right haircuts etc.
Love it or hate it, WoW is not Nirvana but we come as we are.

But why? :thinking:

Let’s take dungeon trash.
The changes were made – specifically in regards to Mythic+ – because the feedback in Legion was that the bosses were too hard. Once you got upward of a +10 key, then all the boss mechanics started one-shotting you. There really wasn’t any difference between a +10 or +15 key in terms of boss difficulty – it was all a matter of executing properly or die instantly.
On the flip-side the trash was very trivial, so the criteria for success for the higher keys was simply to pull as much trash as fast as possible, and then AoE it all down. And the group compositions naturally revolved around that: Have as much AoE and crowd control as possible, so you can blitz through the trash as fast as possible.
Players didn’t like this.
So for BfA Blizzard made a few changes. They lowered the difficulty of the bosses so their mechanics wouldn’t one-shot players so quickly. And then they transferred some of the boss difficulty onto the trash packs instead – giving them interesting and unique abilities of their own – so the difficulty was spread out across the whole dungeon, instead of being reserved to the bosses only.
It’s basically what players asked for in Legion.

I don’t understand your complaint about raids.
I think it’s the general consensus that Uldir was a better raid than the Emerald Nightmare. And Battle for Dazar’alor has received a lot of praise so far as well, so that is definitely not a raid that doesn’t deliver an enjoyable raiding experience.
Two tiers into this expansion, I would say raiding is very solid.

Then you also don’t like Azerite Armor and the Azerite Traits.
One complaint players had with the Artifact Weapon early on was that it didn’t allow for any customization. Once you had unlocked all the traits, then you were identical to every other player with the same weapon who had also unlocked everything.
What Blizzard did in the last patch of Legion was to introduce the Netherlight Crucible and let the relics introduce a bit more customization to the Artifact Weapon. It wasn’t super successful though and had some problems associated with it.
For BfA Blizzard basically tried to deliver on the promise of customization. The Azerite Armor traits are basically equivalent to the golden traits on the Artifact Weapon, except now you get more of them – and you get to choose between them! That’s basically what players asked for in Legion.
Azerite Armor and the Azerite Traits definitely aren’t perfect though. There’s problems in regards to acquisition, balance, and the Azerite Power needed to unlock the Traits in the first place. But the fundamental idea – Artifact Weapon, but with more customization – is kind of what players asked for.

Maybe you’re the odd person who just loved everything in Legion and saw it all as perfect. But for the community as a whole, we did kind of ask for all these changes to happen from Legion to BfA.

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What about the theme songs in boralus? You should come over to ally :slight_smile:

I’m confused about what’s bad about the raiding in BfA?

Raiding’s one of the things that just gets better and better over time. Sure not each raid is the best released but what’s wrong about BfA’s? I’m curious.

All you’re doing is ranting by going “this is bad, that is awful grr grr grr” without rationally explaining each opinion.

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Actually, what I have seen of it so far, the new raid is quite good. I certainly find it more interesting and better done than quite a few raids of the past.

I only came to BFA a couple weeks ago (had stopped playing when the prepatch came out) and while it does overall feel a little like “Legion Lite”, I still believe this is overall a better expansion than Cataclysm and WoD. I actually didn’t dislike WoD all that much (I could “finish” a character, which I liked), but content-wise it was pretty thin with relatively little to do.

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Id Argue that Uldir was way better than Emerald Nightmare and Battle for Dazaralor looks to be on par with nighthold if not better, it just does not feel like it cause your character in the raid can do about half the things it could in Legion simply due to legendary and artifact abilities missing.


Maybe people don’t like the quantity or how taxing is now to interrupt and CC instead of just watch numbers fly? :slight_smile: Idea of rare mini bosses from the old days could be re used too

In Legion there was already a problem with recruiting, especially for mythic. In BfA there was a decline of active players and like my HC guild - never recovered to a point we pretty much can’t do HC right now having fraction of the guild we had in Uldir. If there is a limited raiding activity people may not be happy or appreciate it less. Also story/raid bosses may cause less emotions. “Faction war”? Jaina? a Slug? Opulence gets the most credits it seems. They should make a raid with Ossirian and Ozruk :smiley: you are terminated

It’s not shiny enough, locks offspecs with gold and has limitations. Perceived balance/power like in case of Shamans is important too. My revival had a badass dragon showing up (and vastly lower cooldown). Now there are some traits but they aren’t as clearly visible and impactful.

Maybe. But then what do they like? I mean, if both Legion’s boss-centered dungeon experience and BfA’s trash-centered dungeon experience are undesirable, is the sweet-spot just inbetween? Or is it something entirely different?
Length-wise there really isn’t much difference between Legion and BfA. Same dungeon sizes and takes roughly the same amount of time.

I’d say the crowd control is there as it’s always been. In Legion it was more AoE focused, whereas in BfA it’s more focused on crowd controlling single mobs. But crowd control has always been a major focus in dungeons - even going all the way back to Vanilla.

And aren’t there mini-bosses in BfA dungeons? The one before the last boss in King’s Rest comes to mind.

I don’t know. The Artifact Weapon had similar problems. Played multiple specs? Well enjoy having to constantly keep multiple Artifact Weapons up-to-date, because extra grinding sure is fun!

I think the new Azerite Traits they’ve recently introduced are pretty cool, and more impactful on the gameplay.
My personal favorite is the one that spawns an image of Bwonsamdi, where if you run over to him he gives you a buff, which can stack. That one is awesome and really makes you play differently, because you want to chase that stacking buff.

But it’s probably all in the eye of the beholder.

Bwonsamdi is cool as …
I actually got proper moody the first time my Paladin died:
"I tink you followed the wrong light, maaan"
I was all “Hey! Don’t be mocking the Light, Big B!”
but …
[ you cant chat when you’re dead ]

ok im a string critic of BFA but… Dungeons are very good. maybe too trash (as motherlode) but the design is interesting. It’s true azerite sucks and traits too. But some things are to be saved. Or it could be better. Wod and Cata were really really worse than BFA

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I think the dungeons are great. Much better than legion. I found Antorus way cooler than the two BFA raids so far (not that they’re bad) but that was a final raid so I’ll reserve judgement.

That’s a simplified version of council boss. In UBRS Jed was a hot topic as it dropped a pre-raid BiS caster DPS trinket. In WC one of those “fairy dragons” could spawn and drop a wand. During scourge invasion some dungeons got extra “rare” fitting the theme. Optional mobs, boss-alike, with custom loot tables, potentially dropping more unique items, affecting theme of given run.

Later with Legion the AK got to insane level to have the paragon trait on pretty much every offspec. But still early on it was bad but you didn’t payed for it. Method priests azerite respec costs went above character gold cap :smiley:

Poor little team…

U cant compare uldir to Emerald Nightmare, just bcs u compare it to on of the worst raids in legion and makes it better than Emerald Nightmare doesnt make it good one. Might be better than Emerald Nightmare but doesnt make the raid good

I am comparing tiers, which is what you should do, I fail to see how I can’t do that.