BFA Killed Switching Between Specs

and swapping specs wasnt a issue until blizz made with ap/azerite/legiondaries.

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exactly. you could easily get away with it except at progressions level. anything else you could make your way through pretty much as it would probably be a once off or so.

Agreed, Azerite would have been received much better if they were to lift the restrictions when switching specs.

What I mean by this is that switching specs should allow the traits to be adjusted for all specs on a single piece of gear and then the reforge would only work on the spec used at the time of the reforge. Right now If I spec from Frost to Arcane I would still be stuck with Frost traits and have to get the gear reforged and then again if I wanted to play as Fire, my freedom to play my class is restricted unless I carry more gear and I barely have bag space as it is due to doing other stuff in game.

I even heard Swifty on his stream say that he has spent around 600k on a single reforge, this is ridiculous. You can’t even explore the different specs of a character without either filling your bag with more gear or rinsing yourself of any gold you have which is also something that a lot of people don’t have much of.

Its just a switch but any Azerite gear would still be based on his fury spec unless he reforged or carried a second set.


I do achievements on the paladin, saw I needed all essences on rank 4 and immetdiatly stopped caring.


WoW certainly has (and I think inadvertently) regressed back to the old days where you paid to respect your talents (and thus, spec). There would be no harm in letting players change Azerite traits on the fly without a gold sink to boot.

Then again, BfA IS a massive gold sink compared to Legion and all expansions prior;

  • Doing end-game content alone hardly covers the cost of repairing while doing content.

  • Untradeable gear from professions (in addition to pruning) has completely killed income from gear crafting professions.

  • Mounts cost an exorbitant amount of gold (nigh on 100k for a gryphon AFTER grinding to exalted??? Nice reward thanks).

  • Next to no extraneous sources of income outside of paragon chests and the weekly treasure map mission table quest.

So… I’m really not surprised why this is a thing too. Never thought I’d be thankful for playing WoD during the gold boom.


Turn out staying subbed during ZzzZzzZZZzzzZ WoD yawn ZzzZZZzzzzZ and being stingy while only Facebook table to not go poor saved me. But yeah can’t buy mounts this expac, 5.1 recouler 72k! Yeah… hold my excitement.

what a good time to be a mage:D.

But on a more serious note, My personal problem is with how unfriendly this game has become towards playing with more than a single character.

I open my other characters, realize that i have to do eternal palace on heroic for a few weeks to get my neck trait again, I close it and go back to my mage.

doing those grinds once was fine. Doing them again and again is just not worth it.


Oh , boy !
Are u aware that so far a specific essence has 4 ranks .
You’re able to get 300 baseline Bodyguard EXP a day, but there are some items that speed it up but we’ll assume that you don’t get any of those.

  • As Rank 1 requires you to hit Bodyguard level 3, that will take 600 EXP or 2 days of daily quests with a Bodyguard .

  • Rank 2 requires 3k combined Bodyguard EXP, so that will take 10 days of daily quests with a Bodyguard .

  • Rank 3 requires 6k combined Bodyguard EXP, so that will take 20 days of daily quests with a Bodyguard .

  • Rank 4 requires level 30 on every Bodyguard, so that will take 87 days of daily quests with a Bodyguard .
    that just for memory of lucid dreams , let me tell u more
    For azerite beam rank 4 you require : Battle for Azeroth Keystone Master: Season Three .
    For crucible of flame rank 4 essence ah u just need hoa lvl 60 .
    You are perfectly right u can just go to the chamber of heart and u got them all at 1 click .

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You know that R4 essence is cosmetic only right?

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I play all 3 specs on 2 rogues (sub/assa in 2s, assa 3s, outlaw m+) so I disagree. You just need a crap ton of bag space and to not go “I must have BiS”.

And before anyone says “I’m a Rogue”, all 3 specs need completely different stats.

Essences however…are a huge problem and should be account wide imo.

Yeah this is literally something we’ve had to do since forever. Why is it suddenly a problem?


Half the fun is building off spec sets. I have Fire Raid, Fire Dungeon, Arcane Dungeon, Fire PvP and Frost Dungeon sets. I prioritise Fire raid and Arcane dungeon atm but it’s not too bad as long as you keep you azerite gear. Neck traits are great if your just a dps class :slight_smile: my alts are struggling though lol

As i recall you also had different stats, as Fury you were going for offensive stats like crit, haste, atk power, armor pen, etc (depending on expansion) while for Prot you needed defense, dodge, parry, block, etc, hit and mastery were the only common ones i think, not to mention different trinkets.

a) Rank 4 essences are cosmetics only.

b) You can get more than 300 bodyguard EXP per day.

Maybe inform yourself first before you go on being so sure of your arguments?

I have both Rank 3 Life-Binder’s AND Rank 3 Iris within a few weeks, etc.

There’s some more ridiculous essences to level up, like Artifice of Time, but they are more the exception rather than the rule of being able to have Rank 3 fairly fast.

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Not everyone wants to carry a second set, whats the problem with that?

No problem with that at all. Just wondering why is it a problem now. Or have the same people been complaining about this since vanilla? Probably, now that I think of it.

Then don’t change spec fixed for you.
No one is forcing you to play the different specs.
Having to have more then 1 set in bags has been common for anyone who play more then 1 spec for years.

Ehm no you couldnt? You needed different type of gear for tanking aswell actualy.

Every expansion give you some ways to gear second spec fast but BFA is bad at it.

I am playing resto main and balance offspec so i can use same weapons, same alchemy trinket so i just need second trinket and 3 azerite items. Once i change my main azerite item i just use it for my offspec if it is better.

Also if you are active player you can rush 2.1k in pvp first week + do weekly +10 so you got more azerite items than pve only players so playing second spec is much easier.

Sadly essences made everything even harder… Legion also had some alt problems with legendaries where without 2 legendaries your ilvl was too low and ofc legendaries meant big boost to your performance.

There will never be perfect alt firendly/second spec friendly expansion. It will always require you to farm some more items.

Imagine that you want to play healer and you also need items to do world content as dps. Someone have to play tanks and healers or this game will not work but espesially during first weeks of expansion this people have harder work to do

Whereas I don’t agree with a lot of things in this thread, there’s an underlying sentiment I agree with. Specc switching needs a do-over.

If nothing else I’d like to see off-specc gear moved outta my bags, my bags are always mostly filled with around 25 slots left after I sell all those wonderful gray items from Najzatar and Mechagon.

Aerite an issue? It is, but hey that’s why you collect gear for off-specc anyway… I don’t expect my off-specc to be as good as my main anyway