BG Blitz - Seething Shore

Please, bring back that Seething Shore. You turned it off “just for a moment to fix it” and that moment has been going on for years. This bg is unique, has a great map/atmosphere and music, just needs to improve a few things.

We need more BGs, there are too few of them.

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If they fix the visual bug where enemies shoots you from the sky then sure :+1:

Seething shore has been removed from the RBG rotation due to balance

Depending on RNG and certain zone location , some boat had more avantage than the other one

You can still play on non ranked battleground since unranked disavantage is allowed


hell no.
i rather have the wotlk sota return.


Idk but the last 100+ seething shores I played in the last months I didn’t have this annoying bug anymore.

These things were supposed to be fixed. And I hope they did/will do it and BG will be back as soon as possible :slight_smile: Its great BG.

they never fixed RNG, and since a spawn only happen once node is captured the position of boat still rotate meanwhile so if your boat is at tar pit and you needed to go to air plane you will not be able to but ennemy can easely do.

Also strategic wise that was a mess, like if all 3 node were oposite of the map you had more value to die faster to the ennemy so with the boat you rezzed faster and join allies faster than the guys that killed you.
Same thing happen also due to leave combat mecanics, doter or controll just had to maintain you in combat or CC you, press spell to leave combat and they could already mount to join other objectives, while the guys that didn’t get a exit combat spell was 12 seconds not able to mount up to join teamfight

That was a mess in balancing , some class got way too much avantage, ranged could spam anticap solo at tower if they came from boat
That couldn’t be balanced for both side
So that why it got removed from ranked rotation
Ranked BG player were glad when it got removed
And high ranked still don’t want it back.

however in random battleground why not like i said for fun where balance is not taken in consideration it is fun.

I’d rather peel off all of my skin and dive into a bowl of salt, than see Seething Shore added to Blitz.


A reminded why sota was removed from random bgs.

Atleast bring it back for the Normal BG, or make it as a epic BG 25vs25 :person_shrugging:

WHY would u EVER want this bg back… i hope they scrap it completely, ive literally ate deserter after deserter after deserrter everytime i see this loading screen
its the bg i dislike the most since almost forever… i pray to god this never gets enabled in soloq bg.


Strand of the Ancient? :thinking:

There’s a new map coming with TWW, looked pretty okay on Beta. I hope Blizzard rather focuses on fine-tuning the new one instead of wasting time on Seething Shore which is the worst BG ever created imo. Strand of the Ancients was way better.

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If seething shore was “accidently” deleted, that wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.

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