BG rewards update suggestion

With HK rewards already bumped, the next thing to do is revise objectives rewards to promote actual play from both sides.

Increase cap bonus from 396 to 594. After the match ends, award an extra 198 for each cap. That should increase incentive to stay in the game and try to cap.
Most honor should come from actual playing so reduce the mark hand-in to 2500

Honor rewards every 200 resources instead of 330 (on all days not just weekend). Extra honor for milestones reached (eg if the team has reached 600-1200-1800 get an extra 198) but ONLY after the match ends
Mark hand-in again reduced to 2500

AV would need major changes to remove the current style of rushing. I would love to see that but it seems only a minority would care to make it a slow game as it was originally intended.

In any case I don’t think the hand-in reward should change but the Concerted efforts reward should. Maybe make that 7500 so people only use AV marks for that and have an incentive to play all 3 BGs

These changes would not fix everything but I think they would be in the right direction