Ok I’ve had it with these constant BGB decliners every single freaking queue.
How to fix it? Punish those that simply do not accept Q, whether it be a deserter or whatever. It would help with the current decliner state of BGB, which is incredibly annoying to get constantly.
Sometimes you get an instant Q, which is so nice to get, then suddenly, someone declines, resulting in a 20+ minute Q.
Please just find some sort of punishment for these people, I grow tired of it.
Yes, steal 30 minutes of their lives in queue and another 30 minutes of deserter, because in that 1 hours time span they had to leave PC for 30seconds. This game is already dead and community a complete trash. Stop trying to make it even worse, if thats even possible.
Prime self entitlement of the community is peak comedy.
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They spend 30 minutes in queue because m0rons go AFK when q’ing, which results in declining pop ups, which results in LONGER Q TIME.
Yes because many constantly Q and go AFK, which puts many off the game, myself included. What’s so fun about constantly putting up with many decliners every single freaking Q pop. It’s not fun at all, it’s incredibly time wasting and annoying. How about not going AFK when you Q?
What? What’s comedy is people literally Qing and going afk every freaking time wasting many peoples time. Me, and many others are here to actually play the game, not to Q and go afk wasting everyone elses time. That’s what we call “selfish.”
Although it does sound like you’re the people that actually do it. Bravo for exposing yourselves.
for me its not only people declining the issue
its the amount of people who queue to farm honor and pretend its random bg
not rated battleground blitz where rating is involved
not that i can push to 1800 from 1588 when you get uncoordinated teams
they just dont care enough to focus objectives even more winning
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For quite some people it is a random Bg. And no one can even blame them really. Small Bgs are community Group Ridden as well as Ebgs. So where do normal People go? Unrated Blitz it was for a lot of people,you had a decent Winrate it was fast and easy. Blame Blizz for removing unrated Blitz whilst Skirmish and Brawl barely anyone plays still remains an option.
You will also MMR wise not really meet these People much outside of your Placement Games.
my issue is that those people are not doing objectives
thats why people lose rating if they have any
you are right unrated blitz should have remained an option for those guys
and when someone gets losing streak your next games will have you with the same people well not always
i saw this topic and wanted to say i agree with the OP thats all
its ok if they have legit IRL reasons to miss the queue
surely the OP has issue with those who cancel queue more than once
Sure, this issue existed when it was unrated anyways, but punishing players because of it is a little extreme, if the queue popped and my phone is ringing, I’ll answer the phone and skip the queue, just like me having to grab the coffee and I “miss the queue” at the end of the day, it is me that has to wait longer since the queue will pass it to the next person in line. It’s common sense.
Yes that will always happen in the Low mmr lobbys,only tip i can give you, as a ret i assume, duo queue with a healer and make up for things,be a bit more in control of the map. Also communication is key the team thats to lazy to write will mostly lose or have a tougher time.
Try to do your 1.6 acm rn and camp MMR for a couple of weeks,if you already get minus at this rating /mmr it means mmr and cr is even therefore losing hits you whilst others wont lose points. Was also not going at ya,just wanted to explain why theres such people in the first place. take care
good suggestion but i dont duo queue
my friend that has disc priest does only lfr and tier 8 delves
too many loses sunk my 2nd paladins rating from 1704 to 1580ish
i did it with my second ret i dinged 1,7k when we won battle for gilneas
not related to this topic but we won that game
due to a MVP rogue ninja lighthouse capper
I Q with my friend normally. I needed a crap, so I asked him to unqueue us. I could have stayed in the Q whilst on the jon, but I know it’ll cause annoyance if I missed the Q pop. I’m considerate like that. But this isn’t just one or 2 times this happens. Decliners happen EVERY single Q I’ve been in, multiple+ times in a row. It’s beyond tiring.
You can talk and play you know. Loud speaker, play… It’s what I do. Doesn’t interrupt the game at all. Even so, it takes 2 minutes to even start the BGB.
Here’s a thought, make the coffee, make yourself comfortable, and then Q. Why purposely Q and go AFK knowing full well you’d most probably miss Q pop, annoying others that just want to get into a freaking game.
Not all of us have enough time to play 24/7. I have little time to play with my friend because of our work schedules, to wait endlessly for Q pops because of constant decliners.
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i agree with you
you make very valid points
aye i too got queue decliners more than once
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I still think that punishing people because of a Decline/Miss is pretty excessive, I’ve had queues that took 30 min tops due to that but I can understand people had stuff going on where they don’t enter the pop because something IRL popped up at the right time. Now I’m not ignoring the fact that there has been cases of wintrading or sabotage but that is for a different topic, but having players punished or banned because they got distracted with something else IRL, personally, I find it unheard of.
Oh that definitely happens often.
It happens ALL the time though, the chances of so many people having IRL issues during Q is slim to none. The punishment, even if it’s a deserter will definitely help prevent win traders, Q sync.
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