BGs with Objectives are NOT PVP

What I mean by that is these capturing bases (especially in blits) when the timer is super low is NOT pvp

Just a bunch of people running around capping bases is not fun, however once its capped dont worry they give you like 5 seconds to cap again, good luck killing a healer in this time (or anytime in a bg)

PVP modes should just be a full on death match, on the temp of kot first to 50 kills wins, that way people actually improve in “combat”

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You could just do warmode or maybe play arena if you dislike objectives in Battlegrounds

i play 2v2 which is EXTREMELY unbalanced and unfun

It is still you versus the opposition = PVP.

What it isn’t is pure combat, for that, arenas are there for you.


idk if it would be a good or bad thing to stretch games by making point controls longer, give less points and so on, no clue

im not playing it right now, but not for anything blitz specific just personal decision

as mentioned above, the balance in 2v2 is atrocious used to enjoy it, playing random double dps comps and outplaying - however now you cannot do that because the balance is borked

there pvp balance/dev team are defo kpo’d you can telll

BG’s have always and always will be objective driven, if objectives aren’t for you and you only want to be locked in combat then the answer is Arenas. I can’t think of anything more boring for me personally, so I’ve never bothered with arenas and stuck to BG’s which are more fun to me than just combat.

PVP means just that though, player versus player, regardless of whether it is strictly combat or objective based.

It is unfortunate though that Blizzard doesn’t care about PVP and what state it has been in for years. I literally don’t bother with any PVP at all now, got bored with it all at the start of TWW and unsubbed. I’ve stupidly just come back and bought a 3 month sub, long enough to see the new expansion and questlines then I’m fairly sure I’ll be unsubbed again after that as there’s nothing else to keep me interested any more.

You are overthinking. If you want to kill others; do it. If you want to smoke and chill in a base; do it. That’s all.

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Sounds like you are stuck in your rating progress and look for excuses.

Blitz is the most free rating there is.

Keep playing. Elite ist absolutly free in blitz this season.

If you want deathmatches there is arena. Blitz is currently bazilion times easier to climb. If you dont like the mechanics, play arena instead.

Blitz has scripts just as arena does. Learn them. Play them.

Oh and here of course come the elitist with his “look at my rating look at my rating here is my advice!!”

He literally saying that people are not even fighting in blitz, they just running around and trying to cap, and if it takes too much time or seems not possible they just run to new objective.

And it is absolutely true, very bad and boring concept.

Regular bgs are way less objectives oriented and better balanced.

i wouldnt say im stuck, i play till 1.8k for the mog as there nothing else i personally want after this, which ive got on the characters i want it on, i also dont care for blits rating lol

How is any of what he said elitist it’s true lol

You are trolling with stupidity or what? Read again OP post and that guy post.

Btw. How low is the cap timer in BgBlitz actually?
You sure can cap in a 4 sec cc or?

For me it should be slight longer not much but a bit too many ways for a scatchy cap that benefit some speccs

I think it’s 5 seconds.
It’s short enough that a Rogue can cap a base before Cloak of Shadows falls off.

Also I agree, it should be 6 seconds. Outlaw Rogue can 4x grapple to the flag in Battle for Guilneas, smoke bomb, cloack and cap before the enemy can react.

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Allways depends on map. Ravines, Gilneas are very teamfight driven. Arathi deepwind is more cap rush and capture the flag maps are also more teamfight and coordination driven. I find blutz actually more enjoyable than normal bgs.

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People barely even fighting compared to normal bgs, idk how this can be more enjoyable.

Yeah, whatever. Go back to Call of Duty.


But its fun though.

PVP is only balanced around 3v3s, blizz specifically stated that they are not balancing the game around 2v2 or any other pvp content. 1v1 duel or 2v2 arena are not balanced, BGs are not balanced it is what it is