Is it just me or does BH only drop pvp-items? I have been running BH on 10 and 25man every week and so far I have seen 100% pvp-items. Is it a waste of time as a non-pvper?
Guildies have gotten several PvE-pieces, so they exist.
You’re just a part of the unlucky ones. I’ve also had PvP items only the first 2 weeks, both in 10 and 25. Complete junk.
Thank you, its encouraging to knowing it has happend to some at least! Think I will just skip BH though and just buy it all from valor at this rate to be honest…
It’s entirely random but it’s worth remembering that it can drop off-set piece PvP items like boots and trinkets but only PvE Tier glove/legs, so on average you will see more PvP items than PvE items.
I’ve seen a few PvE items so far, tho I’d say like 80% of the loot has been PvP items.
Seen plenty of tiers, but mostly pvp.
But it is a pvp boss primarily. Even drops pvp trinkets.
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