Big lag spikes, ISP can't help

Hello, since TWW launch I have a problem with lag spikes mostly in dungeons and raids, it started after TWW launch, so I contacted my ISP and they said that I should contact Blizzard, because it is happening only in their game, and they can not find any problems on their side. Any other games like CS/Valorant/FFXIV are working perfectly fine and I can play all day without issues, in World of Warcraft lag spikes are occuring randomly every 30-40 min, sometimes it can happen during the whole M+ dungeon every couple minutes. I was playing Necrotic Wake couple days ago and we just bricked the key because I had to restart my game couple Times cuz of insane world lag, I could type in chat but everything was frozen, funny enough my friends saw me running around. I already fully reinstalled my game, and even clean Windows 11 installation did not help at all

Currently living in Poland if it can be a valuable information.
I ran WinMTR on host and there is absurdly high amount of packet loss to these hosts: net
et-0-0-2-br01-eqam1.as57976. net
et-0-0-2-br01-eqam3.as57976. net
(I had to add space so i can post it on forums, otherwise error message appeared)
I know that blizz is not responding but it needs to be resolved asap, and I am losing my mind cuz i can’t play at all besides doing world content…

| WinMTR statistics |

Host - % Sent Recv Best Avrg Wrst Last - 0 4111 4111 0 0 10 0 - 0 4110 4110 2 7 15 7 - 0 4110 4110 3 8 21 12 - 0 4110 4110 3 8 35 9 - 0 4110 4110 10 15 30 15 - 0 4110 4110 10 15 31 14 net - 1 4064 4052 27 37 157 107 net - 64 1168 421 31 44 128 113
pr01.eqfr5.blizzardonline. net - 1 4063 4051 33 45 182 98
ae1-br01-eqfr5.as57976. net - 3 3772 3695 33 83 4965 53
et-0-0-2-br01-eqam1.as57976. net - 13 2240 1952 33 831 4933 914
et-0-0-2-br01-eqam3.as57976. net - 23 1803 1400 33 1035 4987 4138
et-0-0-0-pe01-eqam3.as57976. net - 1 4061 4048 32 42 139 53 - 1 4060 4047 32 41 138 53
________________________________________________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______

Same problem here from Poland.
In day it happens one or twice 30sec lag of game but can still type i see others type with ms home 50 and world 3000 after lag ends.
In the evening the number of events increases so there is a lag every 20 minutes.

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That data isn’t too meaningful; just nodes who don’t prioritize Ping-requests.

The last entry has a packet loss of 1% and an average latency of 41ms, if those three nodes actually worked the way this test described - that would be impossible.

Could still indeed be a ‘retn . net’ issue, but I doubt that’s Blizzard’s responsibility to fix?

Issue is starting here net
I can see it only when I am checking blizzard - Can’t really tell who is responsible for this, but I was able to resolve all my issues using cloudflare warp software. Testet it with my girlfriend where she did not install this software, she got massive lags and I did not because this software is changing all these retn. net to twelve99. net hosts, but it comes with a tradeoff with 100ms ping instead of 30.

Hey I have similar problems, since Tuesday I have massive ping spikes out of the blue. I didn’t change anything, my internet is stable and has a 23 avg ping and I disabled all addons, closed everything running in the back so no clue how I can find the issue. Sometimes its spikes up to 5000, then I get a DC, have a low ping for a minute until it creeps up again to 2k+. Any idea how to find out the problem here on a mac?
Another day, another broken keys.


Poland here aswell… exactly the same problem.

It started mostly in dungeons, M+'s in open world it happened a couple of times but dungeons are a plague.
So i contacted my ISP and they told me there is no issues at their end and everything is working fine.

WoW is the only game I have this issue with.

Latency spikes, abilities, characters and spells around me freezes but I can still type and whisper and receive messeges. Sometimes it goes back to normal after few seconds and sometimes I have to alt+f4.

I tried disabling all addons but issue was still there, windows is up to date so are my drivers, hell i even updated bios. Nothing helps.

Interesting thing is or maybe this is just pure luck that when I log off,exit the game and reboot WoW / Battlenet and go M+ this temporary fixes the issue. Untill i stay logged in for longer period of time.

have the spikes too from switzerland. all fine for so many years. but since wednesday sometimes a monster lag and then the latency (world and home) goes from 13 up to 5k… after the spike its working for half a dungeon. dont have any other inet issues. 10gig fibre up/down.

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Since about a week ago i am having exact same issues. Been steady as a rock at 20ms and no other issues for years… and now… well, i can’t do anything important in game as it comes and goes, 4k lag spike, 2k, 200, 500, it goes bananas.
Sweden here btw, ISP Bahnhof. Made tickets to both Blizz and ISP but not hopeful.

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