Billy Club (Imagine not being top 10 on the server) is currently recruiting to fill out our roster, as well as recruiting a Warlock class leader.
Primarily we are in need of 2-3 Healers and 2-3 DPS. Plz, come spam Flash of Light rank 4 until you want to re-roll.
We are a semi-casual guild and have all current content on farm - We aren’t solely focused on min-maxing and speed clears of MC/BWL and we don’t expect 100% attendance at raids. By the end of the raid we have the bosses down and everyone is mostly happy.
Outside of that we have some hugely competitive players, focused on that epeen parse including some of the top players for their class on the server (who are still in the guild for some reason)
We raid Fridays (Progression/BWL) and Sundays (MC/Alt Raid) at 20:00, with the new raid nights being Wednesdays/Thursdays (Optional 20 man) once Phase 4 releases.
We are looking for the few remaining active players to finalize our close-knit roster and welcome most classes and specs. If you’d like to know any more - please DM me on Discord (DavethSYD#8807) or /w me in-game ‘Belch’ / ‘Shankbank’