Bitdefender av - problems downloading patches read this

Well done and most helpful. I will keep that in mind when next patch arrives.

Happy to hear that, thank you for sharing that with us Ysbael.

Have a few seconds to spare? Let me know how I’m doing!

Hi guys and girls,

we had a patch today. Did disable Bitdefebder antivirus plus 2019 version Patch unable to download. After 30 min I uninstalled that and bitdefender agent. after restart of PC. Result was in less than 10 min the patch was done.
Wonder what is going on and if the patch of Bitdefender that Ysbael mentioned has been released. The exceptions seems to have had no effect.

I did not say it has been released, they are working on the fix still.

“The engineer who emailed me said they would roll it out in an automatic patch soon, but this was an interim workaround.”

The fix I made with their help was a temporary workaround, disabling the HTTP proxy filter I believe.

Many problems with WoW and Bitdefender the past few months. No patch downloads starting, huge in game lag and ms, open browser lagging, internet problems.

Found that on Reddit. Worked for me.

Thank you for sharing that here Maiolia, but please do not bump such old threads. If you cannot find a recent thread that matches your description, create a new thread for yourself instead.

Have a few seconds to spare? Let me know how I’m doing!