‘Character not found’ issue persistent for me on Magtheridon.
List off your servers lads…
‘Character not found’ issue persistent for me on Magtheridon.
List off your servers lads…
Argent Dawn EU, Outland EU
Draenor and Ravencrest EU
Draenor, Burning Legion, Aggramar, Der Rat von Dalaran
Same on Nordrassil EU.
Argent Dawn, Silvermoon, Draenor EU
I know you’re a small indie company, but even so I’d love to be able to play the game I pay for.
They only have millions of people paying them a monthly subscription fee, what kind of resources do you expect them to have?!
Maybe Bobby could take a .0001% paycut and upgrade the servers to raspberry pi’s. I know it’s far fetched but you can always hope.
Still not fixed… i cant see any of my characters :’(
I have the same issue too. The problem doesnt seem resolved sadly.
Issue is not resolved. Long waiting time on “Retrieving realm list”, then not all realms visible on the list.
After choosing one - black screen on character selection, after 5-10 min of waiting characters are appearing, but if I choose any of them I have an error - “character not found”
same, im try to log on my server (who says its empty) then i see all my character, trying to log in… stay stuck at 75% loading bar and then… Character Not Found…
i have the same issue i can see my chars but i cant log on to em
same deal here, no characters at all…
same here.
realm list loading time is way too long and all characters are gone.
stormscale missing here as well all my horde chars i trying to lvl up ready missing
Same issue. Have 4 characters in Twisting Nether and whenever i try to load them it says ‘Character Not Found’ after pulling me out of loading screen.