Black Char Screen followed by 'Character Not Found'

it’s not even about the status of the server, most of them are up.

But somehow, whatever realm YOU have most characters on doesn’t show up, and alts on other realms can’t be logged into either cause you get stuck on loading screen and then an error.

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I can’t see ravencrest at all, even though the server status says the server is up ?

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same (10chars)

Now I can see my characters but when I try to log in on them I just get “Character not found”.

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Ravencrest, my main server with 10+ toons is gone, while other realms with a couple of alts I don’t play anymore are up. Great

It doesn’t matter cause you can’t even log in those characters anyway.

Try it.

I have 27 characters on 5 different realms and I can not log into any of them

WoW… such a dedication you tried all of them!

I have lots of characters on Sylvanas, Silvermoon and Twisting Nether. None of the realms work. Retrieving Realm List takes too long, then no characters are shown, and then when characters finally load and I try to connect it says “Character not found”.
This bllsht of Activision Blizzard is becoming more and more pronounced.
Way to go, marketing frackers!

What else is a man to do while waiting for servers to properly come up

A problem like this, that is idk, 12 hours “old”, where is the response from Blizzard? This doesnt seem to be a problem that started just an hour ago if Im not mistaken?
Hope that we will get a status report soon, so that we can settle down and just wait… shrug

Too many multiboxers found on some of these realms so they decided to delete the entire realm.

Play a game of Chess? :slight_smile:

I think realms have been “online” for like ~2 hours now so,

i guess the EU staff is still asleep or something

Only Karazhan chess though :slight_smile:

Wasn’t it -1 GMT(7AM). So 6AM for me.

I’m in the same boat. Toons on Ravencrest and it isn’t showing in the realm list

EU maintenance is always faster than what’s on the launcher, realms were coming back up like 5.00 CET or so, and then coming online slowly except non of them work properly apparently.

I bet…its the zombie servers!

well … are we gooing to get some sort of blue post about this? :<