Black Screen and loud fans.. Please help

Hey guys!

So as the topic enlights, I get black screen and fans go loud when i’m gaming.
( part form homm3 XD )

I’ve spent ever since pre-launch to fix it, day and night…

Background for the issue:

around 14-15 days ago, this happened the first time, flying around in Val D. nothing fancy going on.

Then boom, both my monitors goes black ( like they switch off ) and fans in pc goes max ( think its gpu fans, could be all ) and then i’m forced to hard shut it down.
Funny thing is, i can still talk over discord, while black screen is going on.

First i’ve thought that it was overheating, so i cleaned my pc from top to buttom few days before release. Only to crash all night…

After countless of hours trying to solve it from the best of my knowledge (and google) i came to a conclusion: i got no clue now.

Here is the list ive succeeded to do, but with no results:

stress tested all components
updatede all drivers
reverted all drivers
cleaned the whole system for dust etc
disabled the GPU and reapplied paste
reattatched all cables from the PSU
RAM sticks on and off from motherboard
Reinstalled windows
hard deletede ssd’s via bios
played from direx11 and 12

My system temps are the following while gaming wow:

gpu: 50-60 C
cpu: 38-55 C

Temps at stress are around the same range

My PC speccs are the following:

ASUS GeForce RTX 2070 ROG Strix OC / super
ASUS ROG RYUO 240 water cooler
HyperX 32gb 3200hz
Corsair TX650M, 650W PSU

Funny side note, that i noted today triyng to fix stuff.

the higher my FPS are, the faster it goes black.

When i set my HZ to 50/60hz with max 60fps, it seems that I can play ( horrible but kinda works)

but as soon as i set it to 144hz in nvidia, it goes black within seconds.

What in the world is going on guys? are there anyone out here that a wizzard to this thing? cuz im at my blanks here.

my only guesses is some hardware malfuction, GPU, PSU etc, but im lost :frowning:

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