Blackrock Depth absent in dungeon finder

Blackrock Depths is missing from the dungeon finder even though I’m level 20.
Are there any requirements for its access?

Have you selected Cataclysm as your timeline from Chromie?


If it’s your first character you will go through the BfA storyline by default. If you already have at least one character at 60 you can use Chromie time and as Yeetheart explained you need to choose the Cataclysm timeline to gain access to ‘Classic’ and ‘Cataclysm’ dungeons.

Ofc I’ve switched to the Cataclysm timeline.
The last dungeon in the finder is Zul’farrak.
Blackrock Depth and Spire, Stratholme and Sunken Temple are missing.
That’s ok, but why? According to the description they should be available from level 20.

Edit. I’m sorry, Stratholme main gate only is available.

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