Blackrock Pet Challenge: Disappointing

I was unable to complete this challenge because I don’t have a handful of pets that are mandatory, otherwise it’s impossible.
This isn’t really a challenge where you can come up with unique strategies, it’s a “bring X pet and win” game. Disappointing.

TL;DR: I have 100+ pets at lvl 25 and still couldn’t beat it by coming up with a strategy, because the fights are designed around having a certain pet.


That may have, to some extent, been a legit complaint in the early Beta, before they did the nerf.

It isn’t a legit complaint now.

I promise that, given only your collection, plus a week to improve on it (really, level that Boneshard!) I could get through it.

Challenges should make you look at your roster critically, and develop it.

You could be here asking what you can do to get past a certain tamer. You’re not. You’re just assuming nobody else could do better than you have done, and so that challenge is unfair. That’s wrong.

Granted, when you have a small roster, it might be handy to have multiples of some especially useful pets, so you can use them in more than one place. But the devs let you log out, bandage on another alt, and log in again to continue - which feels like cheating, but they do allow it, so you can’t really complain about that eiither.

You can go to Xu-Fu’s, fill up your list of pets you need levelled, do it, get through it that way, or you could develop some strats for yourself, with the limitations of your collection as it exists now, even if those strats have some deficiencies so they don’t work every time. Either approach should work. Just saying that the challenge is disappointing doesn’t work.

I’m leveling some new pets now. Ty for tips.

Excellent! Post again if you need help with any specific aspect of one of the battles!

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Yey I did it. Didn’t really use my brain, just copied the strategies from wowhead and other websites…
Oh well, now I’m a fully fledged Minion of Mayhem!

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See? You could do it.

It’s a weakness of the system, though, that you initially assumed it was impossible, or unfair, that you couldn’t get through it without a specific handful of pets, because that’s what the system had taught you.

The devs really should focus on making battlers take responsibility for their own success, instead of botting pre-digested solutions from Wowhead or Xu-Fu’s.

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