Blacksmithing last 25 levels

How are you guys doing this? Work orders seem none existent and I’m not using all my artisan mettle on tool boxes… I took BS to craft my own sword and make it a naughty item level, but as it stands I can only craft it to a 399 with finishing reagents/primal chaos (the one obtained from 11-15 keys) and the other bits and bobs. Really struggling here! I have to wait for 2 sparks before I can even make the sword, alas I still don’t know how I’ll gain those levels!

spam trade chat offer free craft , or that you pey them if you level up

I opened the trade window up. How people can see what’s happening there is beyond me! Madness! I’ll craft the frost fire belt for myself and a couple of mates and eventually level…

unfortunately gotta spam that search button and be fast
any day a new spark becomes available is a good bet

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I spammed Master Repair Hammer crafts for the last few levels on my weaponsmith alt

this, everything else just doesn´t work.

I’m stuck with armorsmith spec and weaponsmith unlocked at 65+10 (got the epic hammer). Public orders are just dead, trade chat full of T5 requests, and begging or even paying for skillups kinda sucks tbh.

Why the struggle to max out the profession?

I think something has to be done about public orders, i.e. make it like AH - cross-server or something. Whenever I refresh the public orders tab, there’s none like 99% of the time. Seems like people just use private orders and that’s it.

Pretty sure the master repair hammers wouldn’t level me up the last chunk, I’ll double check when I’m home… got a friend who may want a sword crafting and another one who wants the belt, can only make it to 397 ish though as it stands (I’m weapon smith)


Update - those master hammers did work! Upto 100 now, able to throw points into the master Hammersmith or whatever the far right selection is. Expensive to level using that but it’s done! Thanks for the tip buddy.

would it be possible to get my frostfire belt recraftet to quality 5 i got the primal infusion aswell

Add me ingame and try catch me when I’m online, working the next 5 days though so possibly won’t be until weds

I bought those pvp recipes. They are on orders all the time

I have since purchased most recipes bar the epic wrist design, for either knowledge or just extra chance of the crafting orders. Those green PvP items aren’t bad to sell though

You have done really well to reach 75 imo. I would love to hear real-life stories of how players managed to max out their profs., particularly inscription.

First I spent LOTS of gold. I spent over a million to have 2xLW and 2xAlchemy, 1 Engineer, 1 Blacksmith, 1 Scribe and 1 JC to around 60-65 and get some KPs. Then a mix public orders and personal orders for the rest. It may be harder on dead realms, but I play on a highly populated realm.

Using my professions I made about 700K back so far (orders and AH). So after a lot of work I am still down 300K from my initial 1M gold investment, but I hope to make them soon.

Artisan consortium valed rep - recipe rolling pin - way to 100 is clear

armorsmithing gives you 9 plans for 3 points each and I think.
I assumed everyone was going weapon smith so I went armor smith instead, weapon smith will be the last tree I unlock after I get all primal molten plans and max out alloy crafting first. I’ve already maxed out the first ring of hammer control as well.
I’m currently doing it by making primal molten stuff for guildies, made a shield for a warrior tank who had bad luck on drops and work ordered 2 pieces of armor from my DK alt.
I’m currently 87 and I’m expecting it to be atleast 93 after today and I still have 3 more sparks to get on my DK alt so thats enough sparks for 9 skill up points putting me up to 100.
Your best bet is to just unlock plans, don’t dump your knowledge into mastering the plan just yet, wait until you max all the underlying circles up until the plan.
So make sure you get 30 armor/30 heavy plate before you start maxing out shield/chest/legs
The underlying ones often are more value for the knowledge anyway because they increase your skill in more then just 1 type of blacksmith plan.

My path was a bit like this:
Armor smithing > Complete till all heavy (shield/chest/legs) primal molten gear was unlocked
Hammer control > Complete first ring because it improves skill with ALL BS crafts.
Unlock specialty smithing (but do not invest yet)
Armor smithing > Complete all primal molten plans (7-ish knowledge away from that so pending)

I already spent 75 points mastering shield and chest and halfway filling legs but in hindsight I should’ve invested that differently and I would’ve completed alloys by now already but hey its not like I never was going to fill those rings and being able to guarantee q5 outside of the final ilvl tier is pretty nice to be able to do so

Some tips is the pvp craftable gear, even if you don’t pvp you can buy all the pvp plans and even buy the pvp alloys you need to make them, that’s 8 items you can get first craft knowledge points from if you hadn’t already.

LW,Tailoring and bs were easiest thanks to infurious gear that all pvp players seem to want. JC i lvled with Fierce and Skillful epic gems which pop on orders like 3-4 every hour. Alchemy was easy too. Engineering i lvled with fisherfriend recipe and goggles + few wrist crafts. Enchanting is still at 80. No scribes.

Leveling scribe is a suicide but occasionally someone puts an order with a staff or a codex or alchemy tool that still give skill points till 100
Enchanting is just a goldsink, you can get to like 70 or 80 with formulas from some factions and then spam weapon enchants

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