I am a Bsmither that has around 95-98% of the recipes of the game. I am looking for like minded people that would like to invest mats/time/effort to craft Bsmithing items for transmog reasons.Had it not been for the guild banks wipe i would have materials from all previous expansions by the dozen but now i practically have to start anew. I was hoping for the creation of a team of people that gathers mats and then we craft them for mog reasons/or any other valid reason. Some rules will have to be implemented for security reasons (ninja looting) and to make sure that X effort provides X result to make everything fair. To keep things fair in cases like "i bring 5 slots of materials to the guild bank and i decide to leave"only thing to do is mail you back your materials.(unless it is arranged otherwise - aka trade 5 slots of materials from TBC for 2 slots from pandaria).All crafts will be done with 0 gold comission as long as all mats are provided. ALso because some crafts require time gated materials (aka i can craft only 1 bop bar/day and i need 7 days for a weapon) - we will sort something out for proper smither compensation
Feel free to ask me anything about the project
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