In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Bladefist in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
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Pray, night elf rogue
Member of the freak circus
Girm, Human Paladin (pre Outland exodus)
Cinder, Night Elf Warrior
Member of Infamous --> Migrated to Outland later
Name: Ayame
Race : Female Human
Class: Rogue
Hi everyone its been so many years and i dont know if its possible to find some of my old buddies here but i always played my human rogue back in the day and i only played world pvp. My gear back in the day was horrible! But that didnt stop me from raising some chaos with my friends in the Crossroads 
Im looking for a old friend named Dwarfieh. you were the leader of a guild called “Blood Will Tell” you were always so nice to me and i always had a smile on my face playing with you. We didnt do much pvp together but we quested and did alot of dungeons together. If you see this dont hesitate to contact me. would be so much fun talking again! 
Name: Ellesa
Race : Female Human
Class: Mage
I was a mere child when I played on this realm, I was in a guild called S E V E N T H with some absolutely hilarious raiders but I somehow befriended a fair few people in Infamous.
Here’s who I can remember from the guild;
Tankii (may have been double EE)
Semlonhoj (that’s definitely not how it’s said or spelt)
There was also another gangster called Ruhn who raided Barrens at level 20 and another guy called Candlemass - both were Dutch Chaps iirc.
There was a human female priest who was pretty nice in the same guild but her IGN escapes me, I want to say Cora but I don’t think that was right.
I also learnt my class from a legend of the realm called Ixodus who was in one of the top guilds called Infamous. (I believe he was the OG AQ gate opener on Bladefist) - I remember spending lots of time learning how to play mage in PVP at a high level after he helped me understand the mechanics and spell rotations in addition to LOLOL POM PYRO.
There was also a Rogue in Infamous who also spent a fair bit of time helping me understand how to deal with being opened on by a rogue and how to turn the matchup in my favour.
Shout out to QuantumDelta too, I snuck into many world boss kills due to his educated attitude to raiding.
Lastly shoutout to that squirrel who resisted my PoM Pyro because I didn’t have a clue about + Hit rating when I first dinged 60.
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Name: RobbinM
Race : Male Human
Class: Rogue
Former Guild: Infamous
Played human rogue since the start of vanilla and joined Infamous at a pretty early stage as one of their raiders during the MC/Onyxia era. Names I remember well are Jinx, Cinder, Marrocu, AaronJ, Elixia, Swiftjustice and many more. Quit playing actively after BWL was released and had a love hate relationship with the game in TBC.
Back to play the OG game again and see if theres anyone around from that time to team up. Mosy likely will play Rogue again, or try a healing class.
Name: Cenédra
Race: Female Night Elf
Class: Hunter
Former Guild: Proeliatoris
Later migrated to Outland. Glad to be back! Looking forward to classic, hope to see you ingame.
Name: Chaosphere
Race: Human Male
Class: Warrior
Guild: Serenity
Hi, i’m not looking for anyone in particular but I’ve been on Bladefist multiple times throughout the years and gotten to know a lot of people on the alliance side. I will once again play a warrior in classic on Firemaw but this time as horde. Hope to see you there as friend or foe.
Alliance - Kenpachii - Night Elf Druid -
Guild - among the top raiding guilds (Forgot name) - raided all including Naxxramas, the original version
Cenédra! now there’s a name i haven’t heared in over 10 years.
how have ya been? 
Alliance: Hunter Dracolyte after that warrior Arden
Guild: Proeliatoris to Drama
Followed mass exodus to Outland
Oh there’s a seperate one for Bladefist! Don’t forget to check Outland as well 
So to be sure here too:
Tinkeree, Gnome warrior (pink bunches), Omnia.
Looking to play classic on Firemaw. Hopefully with more Omnians! 
Edit: We switched to Firemaw!
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Started out in Phalanx Vulcanius on Bladefist as Sarkas the dwarf paladin, aah good times! Then Ravarage - human mage / Elusiva - NE rogue and Farepoh - dwarf priest
Later we made Omnia and moved to Outland.
/wave Tinkeree!
Wispofnature - was in my own guild Natures Path early days. Later on I joined grand marshals. Going on Golemagg horde and Shaz ally. Didn’t move to Outland but I did horde zenedar
Name : Tess (Mage) Illuminated (Priest)
Race : Human
Guild S V E N T H and Pure Look
Remember so many players from the old days.
Sayey and Sayah
and so on…
Name : Tristar
Race : Dwarf
Class : Warrior
Guild : Zerged -> Infamous
Yo guys, thought id see who is about here and whos returning for Classic? I’m an original founding member of Infamous along with Jinx (NE Rogue), Azure (Gnome Mage), Hydro (NE Warrior), Harmony (Gnome Mage) and 1 or 2 others. We started out as a guild called Zerged originally and then merged to make Infamous. We eventually moved to Outland. I remember Swiftjustice the dwarf warrior with his big fat blessed blade of the windseeker lol. Anyways im looking to maybe recreate Infamous or a new guild of some kind if any old members fancy it? Ill create a Discord server and would be good to reconnect with some old friends along the way. Theres quite a few of us returning from the original founding members so should be fun. I also remember Gnissorg the gnome warlock. Anyways do reply if you remember me or even if you don’t and your an ex Infamous/Zerged member. We have all saved names on Shazzrah PvP realm. 
hey =) i’ve sent you a message ingame
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