In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Horde side of Bladefist in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
My Character -
Frantixx - Undead Mage. (Not sure on guild)
Looking for Marxist, another undead mage!
I remember all those hours in EPL / WPL and duelling outside Org! We also had two chars on another realm. Maybe Haomarush? You played night elf rogue, I was playing a dwarf paladin.
I also remember doing world PVP with that Alliance Paladin (Quantumdelta) with his amazing full tier2 judgement set and hand of ragnaros, and hanging out on qIRC with the allianace shadowpriest who always wore a pink dress 
Tsuchi, Orc Warrior!
PVP ranking…, raiding (only MC/BWL before we transferred I think…).
Malediction (or probably after transfer…)
Deathhorns - Tauren Warrior. Used to do A LOT of Cross Roads
Played as Goosh - Orc Warrior in a guild called Hades who eventually moved to Outland and joined Brotherhood of Dawn and then Fifth Sin. We had a main tank called Wrend.
On Bladefist/Outland we played with lots of Affliction players (Nabbit, Kidni, Bully) aswell as our own guildies of MadSpunk (had his name changed to Madz after his name was reported, Tomer the warlock.
Desterion troll rogue victum/transcendence. Later on Desterignome undead mage Final Sanction.
I still remember the fun times pvping in our premades. Hope to see some people on shazzrah! 
Im looking for ppl from DoD the pinkest guild :)! Played a Warrior named Bakla
Masafumi here, from DoD, orc warlock 
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I played a Tuaren warrior called Hammertime. My bro also played a rogue called Rickmanos. Looking for anyone who played in the guild Spherical from when I first played then later joined Callous and raided till Naxx. It’s been a long time but would be cool to hear from someone 
Galraed - undead rogue
The Saga - swedish guild
We started out on Bladefist and then some used the free migration to Outland prior to TBC.
Hello there , Seris UD mage from the guid " The Breed " , looking for anyone from that guild and also my tauren druid friend Sourmilk .
Hope to meet ya before classic hits
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hehe , i remember you from durotar 
Rastafar undead mage
Started in the swedish guild the saga, then of to transcendence and later to Denied where we migrated to outland or if it was Genjuros.
Yo Hämdenärljuv , Ex dod member right here waiting for the comeback , Tell Rommel to get his bear ready too
Just make sure you guys roll on Golemagg that is where alot of the old skool bladefisters are going 
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i haven’t been on bladefist for years still playing!.
My character depends on when you knew me i was:
orc hunter: Jebustheorc
shaman: harryplopper
Looking for anyone really nice to say hello every now and again i guess guild wise i was in familee with my friends then they merged i didnt like the people so ran off alone went off to extinction i believe then after multiple changes in leadership and stolen guild banks i think it became deadfist.
Infectious here … UD Priest, also Wife was Devildreema… UD Lock… we were GM’s of The Breed… looking for any old guild members…
Going to play on Razorgore and will have same names…
Seris… how you doing very long time now see… be nice if you joined us 
Gnutten, Troll mage.
“The Saga”. 
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Played as Diskawa in the guild Mirage, first on Bladefist then transfered to Outland. Looking for some old guildies to reconnect with and maybe end up on same Realm /shrug
Name: Evilbart (warlock) & Bartman (rogue/alt)
Guild: Succession!!!
Best guild on the server, Full clear of Naxx!
Wondering if any the originals are still about ?
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