I use Clique addon and with it I created mouse over macros to cast blessings on party members (sacrifice, protection and freedom). However, it does not work and the spell casts on myself. I don’t understand why. Did anyone else have this problem and the solution with it? thanks in advance
I have mouse-over macros for all of them, but I dont use Clique. here are my macros
#showtooltip Blessing of Freedom
/use [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead][@player] Blessing of Freedom
#showtooltip Blessing of Protection
/use [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead][@player] Blessing of Protection
#showtooltip Blessing of sacrifice
/cast [@mouseover,exists,help] Blessing of sacrifice; Blessing of sacrifice
thanks for you help, but how do you make them work?
nvm i found out the cause of my problem
for some reason you cannot bind alt+ any mouse key
Alt is the default key for self casting. You’ll have to turn that off in WoWs settings if you want to use alt as a standard modifier.
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