Blitz Cutoff - Official Website

Good day all. Does anybody know if the Rank1 Blitz cutoffs are well updated on the official WoW site? We see different cut offs on the official website and different cutoffs on other website which is a bit confusing.

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Well I think they’re lagging slightly behind but this is the Blitz cutoffs atm:

3rd party sites will not be accurate and we’ve seen mistakes cited by players before, insisting that they were on the cutoff when they weren’t. Passing the cutoff by a wide margin is highly recommended.

Thanks a lot. But do we know every when Blizz updates them? For some classes it shows that 23-24 people will get it which seems a bit too many

The blitz R1 cutoff is not accurate. It shows the american cutoff, where the ladder is lower. I thought I had a chance when I saw the 3174 for MW which seemed to be doable, then I found out I actually had to reach 3450 which is out of reach and I gave up.

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I mean, Blizzard should have correct / updated R1 cut - offs. Its quite simple to do it. I am surprised that nobody complained. Instead of relying on 3rd sites we should have the information directly from them.

The devs should do a lot of things.
Ban the RBG boosters, make syncing impossible in epic bgs, balance out solo VS groups in random bg.

All these problems affect more players than the R1 cutoffs. They are only interesting for 1% of the player base. The other problems affect a lot more players.

The devs treat PvP like a neglected step child.
The community has to take matters into their own hands. For the R1 cutoffs you have reliable third party websites at least.