Blitz leaving penalty

does a leave get penalized with mmr loss as well or only cr?

i was thinking about tanking the bad karma and leaving one match. won my last at 3.3mmr and now i sit in q over 1h and it just doest pop. before it was only like 10 mins…
wanted to get the strategist achiev before season ends.

do u know if im able to enter lower mmr games when duoing with a 0 cr friend?

Edit: did few games with a low cr friend and the solo mmr is now 2.5. bit too low for my liking but atleats fast q’s again :slight_smile:

Your MMR is definitely lowered, I’m not sure if it requires your team to lose the match or not.
It will take a long time to tank your MMR though.
It definitly could become a new booster service: pay to tank MMR to play chill games :+1: :moneybag:

i played 4 games with 0cr friend at ~2.2 duo mmr. we went 1-3 which resultet in 800 solo mmr loss from 3.3 to 2.5k. so it was quite fast actually. shouldve started going solo again after the second loss i guess.

but ye i didnt do it for easier games its not that noticable anyways kinda. i just didnt want to sit over 1h q’s to finish the title.

MMR swings harder if your character is fresh, dunno how playing duo interacts with that

Can i rent your friend :laughing:
was 2.7 2.8 mmr on 1.7cr as boomy q times were like 15 min or so. Since i pushed a bit cr my mmr peaked at 3.2k and those 40+minute waiting times are horrible. I’m half asleep when the queue finally pops like who wants that.

Keep in mind if you queue normal bgs in the waiting time and leave it due to premades your blitz queue also disappears and you can requeue so u basically just sit afk the entire time-.-

Now with the lower mmr are you douing to make sure you dont fall off elite bracket or to make sure you win?

i just asked a high rank bgb’er on twitch and he said q times at 3.3mmr should be alot shorter then 1h.
already thought i may only q’ed too early in the day and dropped mmr for nothing.
but seems like u experienced the same.

nah i just q it up. was worrying a lil bit since the mmr was almost 100 pts below my cr but went positive and am above 2.6mmr again. should be fine.

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