Blitzes should be deleted. This game mode became a cancer.
It literally killed RBGs. And killed for what?
Joke “team members” that aren’t doing anything remotely useful
Joke MMR/CR system, where even on 2500-2700 CRs/MMRs players still don’t know what actually to do to win
Joke Queue times. We’re waiting for 8-15 minutes to get into some raid with players from p1 to get another lose.
It’s almost impossible to solo carry this RBG replacement, so if u got joke team-u lose, if u lose - MMR and then CR would get down, if they’ll go down->you dead. period. no way out, it’s impossible to get higher if you’re into the pit.
The whole blitz idea is wrong in its core. Rated bgs was a team game, where teams was carefully picked up, not only on matter of numbers like DPS/healing, but also on understanding of tactics, situational awareness. In blitzes there is no such thing, there is no actual team, in most of the games just bunch of randoms that have no understanding what to do nor ability to listen ppl with experience. That problem could not be solved thus Blitzes should die for good
RBG has been dead forever. Only gate-keepers were queueing up. I had to be in LFG for an hour just to lose a game.
Nothing wrong with blitz, just remove the duo queue and it’s all set. (talking about the game types)
The MMR/CR and all other systems in wow are outdated. imho, a ranking system destroys any online game.
And about queue times. hmm. I remember a time where i had to wait 15-30min just to join a random BG. 8-15 is a breeze especially compared to the 1 hour LFG bonanza.
Just stop caring about the rating and enjoy the game. The rating is not the reward, the smile on your face is. If you’re not smiling, try another game.
Arguing about different things in this game is a waste of time.
Just stop caring about the rating and enjoy the game. The rating is not the reward, the smile on your face is. If you’re not smiling, try another game.
The rated PVP is about RATING. That’s the problem. A lot of ppl, who queues in blitzes do not care about rating, while others play rated PVP to get higher rating. Rewards in rated PVP is rating and titles. If you don’t want rating just queue random BGs.
Lack of accessibility, manually building a team takes too long and is impossible at certain times of day.
Gatekeeping by experienced players, that won’t allow you in unless you have xp.
Boosters that smurf on low mmr and kill legitimate teams.
Competitive BG players have moved on to blitz, which is much better, easier to access, has better rules.
At high rating, most players take the mode seriously and play it like an RBG. Most of the old RBG Elite are at 3k mmr or higher already. If you play objectives and perform well, you can reach this mmr.
No. Playing bgs with a friend is the best thing about the game mode.
I don’t know what you guys hope to accomplish with this, except to reduce the amount of healers who queue up and increasing the queue times.
I played countless RBGs during DF, but they were plagued by the same flaws as Blitz. Most people didn’t have the slightest idea about how to play a battleground.
Player quality has taken a deep nosedive since I started doing RBGs in WoD. And due to the idiotic high damage it is near impossible to stand out in a BGB/RBG.
And, no, I didn’t pay for a boost, or boost people myself. Screw that.
I love blitz. I’ve played nearly 300 games so far, which i thought was a lot until i met people who’ve played 500+
I despise arena, but love bg’s. Random bg’s are plagued with premades and people farming honor gear, which makes this mode more chaotic.
Blitz feels closer to what wow rated pvp should be like in my opinion.
The only thing i miss however, is a type of flex queue. Queueing solo get’s a bit tedious after awhile.
That’s all good and games, until blizzard decides to do something about boosters/droppers/trade-winners of any description, let’s not pretend they don’t exist. They have been causing problems with it.
Blitz exist to cater people who just want to jump in to play the game, you don’t want to? cool, go make a roster for 10vs10 and do what you want to do, don’t tell other people how they should spend their time playing this game, if you don’t like it, don’t queue.
Blizzard should acknowledge the dire situation of rated battlegrounds 10 vs 10 format, don’t force other people to having to deal with these players without any solution.
I wish the mode was duo DPS and 2DPS+1Heal for group sizes. It would incentivise playing with at least one friend and the whole experience would be better. I think spamming queue alone is not good, because you sometimes you feel powerless.