Blizz are you gonna fix your PvP mess?

Seriously this PvP meta is turning into garbage fiesta and it isn’t fun at all to play as a melee, unless you are a rogue.

Multiple classes are beyond broken compared to warrior/paladin.

  1. Rogues have stealth, instane damage through mutilate and can stunlock you into uninstalling the game, this can be done by any bad to decent rogue.
  2. SPriest has a 2min improved Shieldwall+immunity to slows/roots, usually enough to kill people through dots that crit.
  3. HealPriest, also has Dispersion and insane solo heal capabilities, priests are the best healer by far and have no equal in either PvP or PvE.
  4. Balance, can go with WG and skip sunfire completely, thus becoming an insane hybrid that has HIGH damage and HIGH heals, what the hell.
  5. Mages have ST heals and 5 of em make em hardly killable in STV when they all spam AE, why is that a thing to begin with.
  6. Locks, FG+Dots+DeathCoil+Haunt+HS+DL beat most classes in a 1v1, their selfheal is borderline busted through dots that would flatten most classes.
  7. RestoShaman, who made NS interactable with Lava Burst? Seriously it’s a healer, not a DPS, and this ontop of not having to worry about not selecting SR and can go with WoE. Not as bad as Balance Druid but as a healer you should not have the chance to kill people at all.
  8. Enhance, one of the better melee DPS in the game, Freedom Totem, high damage and MSW is bloody busted.
  9. Melee Hunter and their pets, just why is it that these 2 things can deal more damage than warriors. Nerf that nonsense back to irrelevancy.

Sadly but true. Even avg rogue can face roll u pretty ez atm

“Everyone is OP but me”
The ret paladin’s handguide


Do u even played paladin in sod for once in lifetime?


That was a jest aimed at the fact that ret paladins complain a lot about being weak, which is true, but still funny to joke about. :grin:

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Rets literally get a few buttons to press for PvE, rets still suffer from getting kited and having any meaningful selfheals. Enhance literally just spits out MSW procs onto a free Healing Wave.
Warriors are unplayable in PvP for the majority, regardless of class, they will just get rolled over.

Yeah I’m aware. I’m not sure who thought it was a good idea to give shamans an instant heal that heals half their health for almost no mana cost every few seconds. Meanwhile paladins use half their mana bar to heal the same amount, and annoyingly the stam buff in BGs just make those heals weaker. At the very least they could have given paladins the wrath version of art of war that gives you an instant cast flash heal on melee crits, not like it would make them busted with how little it heals.

Every class except the two I play are insanely OP and must be nerfed


Something they keep on failing to do, or maybe add some mobility since Rogues literally spam Shadowstep every 30s and melt that target into swizz cheese.
Even mages get a double blink this phase, while they still keep their chromatic preservation that is a stored heal+mass regen+AE in STV.
It is simply terrible designing and a failure whenever a nerf has to happen or is still required to get a nerf.
Look at healing in PvP, healing is overtuned in a sense that you need an arms warrior WITH mortal strike or stunlock or 75% of your party/BG grp to kill 1 person, especially priests.

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They actually get 3 blinks total so it’s even worse :grin:
And the chronostatic preservation rune is an actual joke, you either have to one shot them or they’ll just run away and heal back to full in 2 seconds, very fun if you don’t have an interrupt. Mages being able to heal while also doing DPS like normal is just a massive mistake overall, and one that’s easy to spot at that. But this is coming from the same team who thought shamans being able to tank while being a full on DPS was a good idea, it’s as if PvP does not exist for these devs.

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If mages can have 3 blinks, and shamans can have Ghost Wolf, paladins should get Divine Steed.

Blizzard will never balance PvP for three reasons,

1, it’s far too difficult balancing all the classes with all the specs and different gear levels.

2, they don’t want it balanced.

3, every player wants their class to be better than all the rest and when they are caught up people complain they are now OP.

I suppose 4, skill level, most PvP players aren’t very good at it or don’t play at the highest level


I think most classes are in a good spot and have nothing to complain, mine included, but it’s quite clear some classes are far worse off than others. I think ret is particularly worse off at the moment because they are neither doing well in PvE nor PvP. Warriors at the very least are doing well in PvE.

Edit: Turns out ret isn’t doing too bad in PvE anymore, looking at the new rankings.


Mate, if every single class except what you happen to play appears to be too powerful, the problem is most likely you.

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PvP was always garbage.

Hopefully those players leave soon enough

take a deep breath

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Learn to play.

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Telling someone to " learn " when your consistently wrong about most things, is both hilarious and ironic,

keep going,

every time i visit the forum i ask myself, what has that reptile said today, it doesn’t take long to find a thread that you commented on and I’m never disappointed.


Lmao rent free :joy:

Not sure if I’m supposed to be creeped out or honored that you’re so obsessed with me. Is what it is I guess.

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