Dragonflight is the ONLY game that has lag spikes at the moment. This is going to be my second thread, and I will continue to post until this greedy, money siphoning company realizes that there are people paying their salaries, unable to play this game.

Call me dumb, but I enjoy this game and ironically it has been the most consistent game with regards to networking and stable ping for a long time. Since DF came out, that notion went down the toilet at an alarming rate. Group content is a ‘‘no go’’ on all levels before 12pm to 1am.

All measures to fix high ms spikes in raids/bg’s/dungeons have been tried and tested, just to fail. There are SEVERAL threads with NUMEROUS amounts of people asking blizzard for help or a fix, guess what, NOTHING. As SO many people have told you guys, PLEASE WAKE TF UP!

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