Blizz if you read this..About boosts

Please make raid / dungeon boosts bannable…!! People running around with curve and 3k score who can’t even play the game…for a freaking 150k you can get curve…it’s just dirty and untrustworthy. Especially to the people who try to do it the normal fair way…it’s just not even worth it anymore.


wish they would adjust rio somehow that just 1 run give you max points or whatever.
kinda annoying to invite total potatoes according to ilvl and rio

who really has time to check their run history on external websites…

I mean, spending 30 seconds to 1 min to double check the guys you invited is too much to save yourself 30 minutes of pain?

Then don’t. You can just check some of their runs if they were boosts or not, and how many timed runs they have. There is no magic score that will tell you that player A will be better than player B.

Curve was puggable 2nd week of the raid, there is no prestige in having it, neither was it a great achievement.
The thing with boosts is that they cannot make them against ToS. They cannot distinguish with a guild bring a new player to help him or an alt to gear it, with a paid boost.

if you wait 30s to invite me to your group, i already got another one


Lol… :smiley: Im taking that by the way. #healerlife

Did you know that the boosting comminities require boosts to be logged, so it’s really easy to spot :slight_smile:

Maybe spent another minute before inviting

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