While most set bonuses of the enhance, elem and tank seem nice and interesting, the resto shaman set bonuses are boring and lame.
2p bonus: Your earth shield ability no longer loses charges → BORING! With 9 charges they don’t fall off fast in most situations so this bonus is rather useless.
4p bonus: Your lesser and healing wave abilities have a 10% change to imbue the target with totemic power → LAME! First of all, the usefullness of the short buff is completely RNG based and probably no one will notice a thing when it procs in the heat of battle. Secondly, resto shams shine while spamming chain heal, making it even more lame. I understand that by adding this effect to chain heal, it might be too powerful so why not change the bonus entirely? This is SoD after all, right?
6p bonus: The target of your Alpha also takes 20% reduced damage from undead enemies → probably the lamest of them all. Yes, this is a very powerful bonus but I feel this was simply given to balance out the tank shaman 6p bonus (which is the very same bonus basically). So, because the tank sham p6 bonus is so powerful that it gives them an unfair advantage over other tanks in Naxx, Blizz decided to simply provide the shaman tank p6 bonus to other tanks through resto shams?? Why not just change both the 6p bonus of both tank and resto into something more exciting?
In short, the current T3 set bonuses for resto shams are extremely passive, lame, and boring. They don’t make the resto shaman feel more powerful and fun to play (like the T2 and T2.5 sets) and, more importantly, they don’t add anything to the play style or decision making of the resto shaman. It rather does the opposite; it makes the play style much more stale compared to the other tier sets.
As a matter of fact, if it was up to me, I’d rather keep walking around in other tier sets in Naxx but unfortunately I will be forced to wear most of it because of the lame sanctified system which basically renders most gear from previous content obsolete (just like how it is in retail)
To me, this design reeks of nothing more than pure laziness from the class Devs