Blizz making game time changes

No an adult who can read and understand what the facts are actually they are posted.

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all of you the supporters are paying that sweet 200m bonus for kotick AIGHT

It does, you can no longer buy tokens with gold > convert to bnet balance > buy bulk months. It doesn’t effect 30 day but it effects the rest.

I don’t know why you don’t see it, they also made mounts for 6 months require subscriptions and not bulk buy either. They have something against it.

I don’t like this
cause if i want to buy just 30 days of game time for money im screwed :smiley:

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Not really. I just pay for the product which I want to and enjoy using?
When you buy chocolate at the store. You are also "paying that big salary to the chocolate company’s CEO " :man_shrugging:


Yeah, because they make more money and a steady amount of money from subscription vs bulk buyers with tokens.

Businesses gonna business.

Shocking i know.

Yes, I’m sure that’s why a lot of this stuff is becoming not allowed for games in certain countries… Because parents also don’t connect the dots of lootboxes as gambling most of the time when they don’t play such games. If it has such stuff in it, currently a lot of it isn’t marked for the appropriate age group.

keep defending the company tha will use anything in their disposal to milk their customers you deserve this

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And customers gonna… customer?
So they’ll be upset if a service becomes more expensive when quality declines at the same time.
Shocking, right?


Fortunately you don’t get to decide if I’m allowed an opinion or not. Just as well considering your strange views.

A sub is not and never will be a scam.

I have not nor will I ever support loot boxes in WoW.

I have not nor will I ever support gambling in WoW.

I have not defended their choice of removing the 30 days game time.

Hate to break this to you, but that is every company in the world.

If yiu don’t like a certain company’s practices, then stop using said company

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This thread proves (yet again) some people will always try to find an ulterior motive whenever Blizzard does or say something.

I am sorry but what are you getting at? I am grown enough to understand the value of earned money. If the product is not worth the cost, I dont buy it?
I don’t care if a company’s CEO wants a new yaht or the board of directors wants to go on a vacation to Hawaii? I pay for the product, what the company does with the money is up to them. Transaction complete.

If you think that the “big bad company is leeching all your money for nothing then” uhm…then dont…buy their products? Basic logic? They don’t have access to your wallet. You still control it? At least I haven’t noticed yet that big bad Booby has access to my bank accounts and is holding my physical money hostage at his home? :man_shrugging:

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Ah, attacking me because you don’t like it when people push back to you shilling a bad company decision I guess. Deserving of the green text, as always these days anyone with special text shouldn’t be taken seriously.

Gambling has been in WoW for a while with deathrolling and Blizzard hasn’t gotten after anyone doing that including streamers. Go figure. Loot boxes are in their other games and not WoW, sure.

This is a bad change in general in the first place. Less people get decent deals unless they SUBSCRIBE.

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thats what im doing. if most of you guys where smart customers instead of not so smart customers this game could have been different. You guys like to buy chinese crap for premium prices

Doesn’t make it a good choice or one that people can’t be mad about.

Just wait a few months until you can only sub for 2 months at time. See how unconcerned and accepting people still are then.

This was a bad decision when they changed the UK game time purchases in December and it’s a bad decision today when they have changed the Euro game time purchases. It will still be a bad decision when they take it further and further down the line.

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Sad thing is, it is all bluster, and the .majority will no doubt continue as if nothing has changed


You buy tokens and use the game time if you want to pay month by month.

I know that, I meant those who will not look into alternative options like the subscription will end up buying more days.
Perhaps I am wrong np

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You can. Or you can convert it to bnet balance with multiple tokens, then buy a bulk of SIX month game time at the discounted rate. Which, with this change you won’t be able to do anymore. So this effects people doing that, and this effects people that buy game cards with cash or in general.

You also, have to have the gold to do 1 month with tokens. If you don’t, to get 1 month you would have to buy a token, sell it for gold, then buy a token back off the AH which you pay more for money-wise anyways.