Blizz nerf Fury warrior!

Blizz come on, nerff for DK, but not for Fury Warrior?!?! what is going on? crazy single target and crazy AOE even in sh*t gear, our whole guild is gonna be comprised of melee now, nobody wants to play hunter or spellcasters anymore



After conducting thorough research into the DPS capabilities of the Fury Warrior, I have arrived at a well-founded conclusion based on the extensive data I meticulously gathered from my two heroic dungeon excursions. It is abundantly clear that the Fury Warrior is excessively powerful and warrants immediate performance pruning. I harbor grave concerns that the Fury Warrior will dominate my raid team to the exclusion of all the other particular classes. The prospect of a raid environment devoid of hunters and spellcasters due to this imbalance is deeply troubling. Nay, I say, dreadful!

Indeed, I am unequivocally correct in my assessment and possess an impeccable understanding of the matter at hand.

Myeeeeees~ Quite so, quite so.


What actually happened is you probably played in a dungeon with a Fury alpha chad and you got demolished by a better player. It’s like you got into a race with usain bolt and you blame the shoes.

Fury isn’t overpowered, you just ended up in a dungeon with someone like me, probably. It is nice to see when the greatness of a class is recognised though, Warrior players are generally just dominant humans.


not at all what happened… the spec is just too op atm… saw a freshly dinged one do too much dmg for what should be possible in other classes and specs. and besides my points warrior players are dicks who are too high on sniffing their own farts. which you just proved too…

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If this is your coping mechanism, that’s ok, but you have to be honest with yourself first and foremost.

Troll post uses ‘attack character’ flame bait.

… it is not very effective.

Now, to the ones actually wondering, and not trolls like Kettlebell. Every class that does a lot of frontloaded AoE damage looks great in content where mobs instantly die. Fury Warrior in TWW got an influx of AoE burst through Bladestorm and Odyn’s Fury doing ~20% more than in DF. Even without that, Fury always been quite good on AoE burst.

So, when mobs last 1-8 sec, then of course the class that specialise in pushing damage in that window will look amazing.

Now, wait till M+ and raid comes out, and ya will see Fury fall from grace and fast. Suddenly classes with a setup time and building profile start to soar. It all ending up with Fury as high mid DPS choice, as in every single season this iteration has existed.
So, there is a reason Fury was not nerfed when others were. Simply put - for the raids and m+, the content many want us “rebalanced” for, we are not that strong already. Nerfing us before the content is even out could only be done by reducing our burst potential, and doing so would kill the tiny advantage Fury got.

Why Fury was so good on Igeria and fights similar, is because of our burst AoE potential, while doing mediocre Boss Prio DPS.

Remove the burst; the only way to nerf Fury warrior in HC level content (that people are complaining about seeing during this discussion) - and you would have to insanely buff Fury ST. Making yet another bland and boring DPS profile.

My final thoughts; don’t overreact to what you are currently seeing. It is not representative of how it will be when the actual dungeon and raid content of the game releases. To do so, is unnecessary and only harmful to the game’s balance and class/spec ecosystem. It really should be avoided, and luckily, it seems like the dev team is aware of this. Proof being in that Fury Warrior was not gutted again (it already was on beta). Fury Warrior is in a fine place, it just looks strong in this beyond low-tier content :dracthyr_nod:


True nerf fury warrior now!

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Smokinace, I want to see you in my office before you go home to day!

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for the last time guys - the expansion is not ‘the monk within’ or ‘the rogue within’ , it is ‘the war within’

it is our time to shine.


Warrior is love , warrior is life. Since you start playing warrior nothing else matters. Just zug zug , pump some dmg enjoy the class, enjoy the game. It’s your choice to join the winners club.

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Bro warrior too strong if this doesn’t stop people only will invite fury in thier heroic dung!
Nerf now!!!

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Champion’s Spear icon has been updated.
    Warbreaker’s radius increased to 10 yards (was 8 yards).
    Crushing Force now increases Bloodthirst critical strike damage by 5/10% (was critical strike chance by 2/4%).

Patch 11.05 PTR notes.

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Dont forget that Odyns Fury is now also soft capped at 8 targets :smiley:

It has been since the pre-patch they just didn’t bother updating the tooltip.

Haven’t been uncapped since Legion
Why you think I keep asking for it to be buffed?

Get a life clown

they are ‘’ Rampaging ‘’ trough arena like a hot knife trough butter xD no need to hold back , no cooldowns, just press pess press xD

What a time to be alive!

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Fury warrior titan’s grip auto attacks damage so weak why we use 2 hand with duel wield lol

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