Blizz pls stop bullying arcane mage

Blizz why y keep kicking arcane mage? according to latest news in patch 10.2.6 ring of fire and prismatic barier are getting nerfed, i mean why? what data y are basing your decisions on? isnt mage spec with one of weakest defs ?

I cant find any pvp ladder in any region of the world where arcane is top pick, since long time its at very bottom yet every patch y keep kicking this spec?

DH nerf is understandable but what in earth justify another buff for hunter? 300k from kill shot is not good enough? fact that spec can go full invis and deal you damage which y cant protect from need buffing? not mentioning for arcane it was OP so y had to nerf mass invis?

I mean really, why? why y have your favourites spec to bully and other to keep buffing with no reason…

Mage is honestly a joke now for anything PVE imo… game is ridiculously inbalanced, got ret pallys doing 180M dmg and i can barely hit 80 higher geared…

i believe arcane was somewhat better than fire and frost in the ladder this month, but after the changes its unlikely

real issue is, maghe in general is at lowest pick ratio since wow was created lol

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