Blizz protecting their underlings too hard

There are 2 issues I have, firstly… When boosting a lvl 32 shaman with all 4 of his elemental totems that cannot be deleted, I get another set of 4 taking up a lot of bag space !

Secondly, my druid fluid has come down with a bug… after merely 5 or 10 minutes of combat I am forced to hand over my auto attacks disallowing me to save mana whilst also losing access to the ‘escape key’ so I can’t access system or fast leave bags/enemy targets so on…

I’d post this to the devs but they’ve bent it in a way that disallows contact with their employees only to my frustration, I hate these incapable, worthless blizz team members unable to piece together ancient technology of theirs… is there anyone else who can do their job for them here ?

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