Blizz : sorry boys, arcane is too popular, have to kill spec

According to latest release patch notes arcane is about to get some massive nerfs , main one is removal of chrono shift - absolutely critical for pvp skill,

I mean really? arcane was soo fun to play and now blizz have to make some change to kill it? i really hope they will reverse it or at least compensate somehow…

What are your thoughts on this?


it was fdun and frustrating to play it well

not its just gonna be even more frustrating i guess, it is what it is


We could’ve had some cool Harry Potter sh1t but instead get this. Smh

Chrono shift has been a core gameplay mechanic since Legion.
Removing it deletes a huge gameplay and quality of life function of the spec.
It is vital for PvP and offers an excellent way to kite mobs in M+.


As for me they should compensate it, maybe give 1x more blink? dunno…

glhf kiting DH/DK/War now lol
im quitting when it comes out!

Fire mage have exactly the same mobility and are still fine
50%runspeed/50%slow in 1 button is like 100% speed diff, feels rly wrong
I dont mind mages being mobile, but arcane is like from the other dimention
Mby should be like 30% move speed and mages need to actually press Slow skill, would be fine

Dont remove the chronoshift… getting pissed when a spec gets to be good and boom take away whats makes it a spec, why not remove bop for paladin ?, or remove catform for feral druids while ur at it, stop making descitions that nukes the core, go for dmg nerfs instead… arcane only have one spellschool, and now no way to kite, get kicked on arcane and boom gone


i havent commented on the forums before but this pissed me off, stop doing stuff that destroys the core of a spec, do the ppl with these ideas even play the game ?


yeah well difference is all fire spells are instant cast button smashing right? maybe make arcane surge instant cast then :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, they have certainly ironed out Arcane… Thanks Blizz


they added it back

I feel like I am barely getting clear cast procs now. Did they change something on the beta?

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they forgot to add chrono shift to pre patch haha every melee unkiteable

Mabey every class should have no movement buffs or debuffs at all, you know in the interest of fair play.

Beta arcane was too good to be true, same goes on how they butchered Living Bomb dmg.
But tbh, I have no idea why people are so furious over the NP fixed “bug”.
What’s so fun in double dipping with barrage after Blizz nerfed it to the ground?

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