Blizzard : « One action per keypress »

It’s money my mates. It’s money.
They will never make steps against this.

But if someone has the money to purchase 10 copies of a game it’s ok. Not my business. I usually don’t get why do people do this. Maybe some small D complexes

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:slight_smile: Thanks, it’s a slightly oversimplified system though.
I can think of at least a handful of other, totally different, systems that also solve the same problems.

I don’t really think Blizzard hasn’t thought of these same solutions themselves, or others like it.
They’re fairly basic building blocks for game design.

I think the problem is more that this game is massive and unwieldy, and both problems and opinions vary a lot.

While we may have potentially solved the herbalism-multibox-crisis of 2019/2020 (multiherb19™, trademark pending),

if this were implemented today, then tomorrow all our herbalists invade Nazjatar with a fresh new glow on their faces, and by the end of the week the price of Zin’anthid has dropped to 1g, and then 95% of the herbalists throw in the towel.

Now they’re right back to the same state as they were in last week, not bothering with herbalism.
Except now they will feel like it’s because of their own decision, because they’re clever enough not to waste time on something so unprofitable (which is all true), instead of feeling cheated by multibox-farmers.

On one side there may be some value in feeling that there’s justice in the world, and that you aren’t being cheated.
But on the other side, if the situation is basicly identical before and after that “solution” was implemented, then can we really call it a solution :slight_smile:


I think that possibly one of the biggest problems is inserting something new into an older part of the game without causing serious issues with the game itself.

WoW has become a bit of a Juggernaut of a game now that trying to slow it down or change direction gets harder and harder each expansion.

How about we flip this around.

I want to pay for say 5 subscriptions, I want to duplicate my mage 5 times and make it so each spell I now cast is still on one char and at 5 times the normal power.

Now Ill go pvp to my hearts content.

Still sound fair?

Yea exactly, it’s an oil tanker.

And while everyone agrees there’s many things that they don’t care about, and would be fine with Blizzard dropping, no one has the exact same idea as to which things those are. Can’t really trim the game down and be lean and innovative, if you’re stuck having to support every legacy decision ever made.

If you were to make a new content patch (lets say a 8.4 patch) we all know it would likely have to include something akin to: 1 or 2 new dungeons, a new raid (or 2 small raids), a new battlegound or arena, 2 new island exps, a battlepet challenge, a new tier of timewalking, 1 or 2 new factions, 1 or 2 new/revamped zones with tons of quests and dailies/WQ, a warcampaign of sorts, a bunch of new mounts, pets, toys. A new tier of herbs/leather/cloth/etc, a bunch of new recipes for every profession, a ton of new rares, 50 new achievements, …

I’m in the minority i think, that kinda likes Pet Battles being in the game, and wouldn’t like to see it go, but i know many would tell Blizzard to burn that crap down if it ment we get the next Expansion a week earlier.

Many people would argue (both ways), on if Mythic+ is now as important/core to the game as Raiding, i don’t feel strongly on that either way. I personally miss the Challenge Mode system. While it didn’t have anywhere near the replay-value as Mythic+ does, i kinda felt i always enjoyed that more than this grind.
But the thought of Mythic+ simply no longer being there is probably too bizarre for words to many players i bet. Though i could see it go, just like scenarios did post-MoP.

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You’re really folding and twisting the facts to make that sound reasonable.

No multiboxer is doing that. They’re leveling their characters same as you.

Except they aren’t 5x as strong as you, there are just 5 of them.

Just like, if you were to show up with 4 of your guildies, to attack me in the open world, i would be in a 5on1 situation. I could say it’s not fair, that you guys have 5x the power i do ?


Multiboxing = a person in control of the accounts, one action is duplicated across the other accounts using software, keybinds etc.

Botting = a programme controlling everything the account or accounts do, the person does not even have to be present at their pc, there is no input from a person.

You know all about twisting words.

It was a simple hypothetical which clearly is too far above you to understand.

Believe it or not guildies don’t all hang out in groups of 5 or more every single time they log onto the game.

They don’t all move to the exact same point or fly to the exact same point either.

Also my guildies don’t all play the exact same character.

Thus when someone with multibox chars hits 1 button 5+ spells of the exact same type all go off at the exact same time with the exact same target.

Your advocating, pay more, be allowed to gib people cause more rich than the person paying for 1 account.

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it would be nice if the nodes and herbs in the garrison changed in rotation so they were sometimes BFA nodes and herbs

Nowhere have i twisted your words. And i explained the flaw in the way you describe/see that hypothetical multiboxer.

I haven’t advocated or recommended Multiboxing to anyone.

I don’t particularly like it. I’ve given it a whirl a few times with 2 accounts, but i don’t do herb farming or world pvp or anything like that at all.
I used it for doubling my chances at mount drops, while farming world bosses and legacy raids.

But i also don’t see any merit in the claim that multiboxers somehow create a pay2win scenario.

I fail to see how that matters at all.

No, but they are allowed to if they want.

This is a massive handicap, not a strength. Such multiboxers are also not capable of playing their character optimally, they can’t make good use of procs because every char has to (attempt to) do the same thing.

In a world pvp scenario a single 5-char multiboxer vs 5 casual players stands no stance at all for example.

In fact, if you so desire you can make table comparison of 3 scenarios:

  • “1 player playing 1 char”
  • “1 player multi-boxing 5 chars”
  • “5 players playing 5 chars”

And you’ll find that each of those has its pros and cons in a wide range of situations.

If you cant take it, don’t dish it.

You are still saying its fine though, as you clearly don’t understand the advantage of 5+ chars all in the same location / same time, vs 1 char that has to rely on calling for backup in order to have a normal pvp match.

You clearly are challenged if you don’t understand how multiboxers can and do rofl stomp single players in world pvp.

Procs mean sweet sod all when 5+ instant cast dots are being spammed on you.

In a lovey dovey world where everything is rainbows and butterflies yes you would instantly have the exact number of multiboxers as normal players for backup and to rip them to shreds, in reality, not so much.

p.s. don’t bother reply further, Its clear you have your opinion and I have mine

Would they of got banned if they had given yous extra money?

I do understand. I don’t understand why you think that that cherry-picked specific situation, is the lens to view everything through. You can make the exact same statement about 5 actual players.

“you clearly don’t understand the advantage of 5+ players all in the same location / same time, vs 1 player that has to rely on calling for backup in order to have a normal pvp match.”

Just as meaningless.

  • Yes, 5 players could have an advantage over 1 player.
  • Yes, 1 multi boxer paying for 5 subs could have an advantage over 1 normal player.
  • Yes, a person who spend 500k on the AH, getting top notch gear, might have an advantage over you.

It’s not about whether its true or false, it’s about what difference it makes and if that is somehow unfair or not. Using your strengths to your advantage isn’t against the rules. He doesn’t bring anything to the table that you can’t bring.

There are situations (such as the one you described) where a multi boxer has a clear advantage over you. There are also just as many examples that go the other way.

Again, how does that matter. You can get a group of 5 players together too. There is no uneven playing field. The fact that he decided to put in some money and/or gold and/or effort, saves him from having to find a group at that particular point in time, so he has a head start. he does not however have any unfair advantage.

It’s just like how someone with amazing gear, might be able to solo a rare, that you would need to join a group for. Because that person put in gold/work earlier (gearing up) he now has a headstart.

uhuh… nods.

Sandsh I’m not going round in a endless loop of explaining my point, just for you to cherry pick your own point of view response.

At least your showing your mental age. :smiley:

Yea, yea, keep on deflecting. My “cherry picked response” was:

Against your well rounded balanced outlook:

“No puppet, no puppet, you’re the puppet !”

What a baby.

No it is not. It has always been there.

Well its not the real reason you little snowflake, you just cant stand the fact that multiboxing is botting because its automation by software. You can shout about conspiracy theorys what ever you want, it doesnt change the fact that for blizzard its all about the dinero`s, As long as you pay them you can do whatever you please, even use software to cheat. People who multibox dont pay it with real money, they pay with gold wich they get by selling stuff they cheated of other players by using software. And if you think that a player as me cant multibox you are wrong, even i can multibox but i simply wont do it because its against policy even when they allow it to make more money of of you.

except that it isn’t automation. This is something you don’t seem to understand, it’s cloning inputs.

Multiboxing is not cheating, what’s cheating is decided by blizzard not you.

That is one of the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard, they don’t cheat.

Why are you asking this question? You clearly have read these copy paste responses before and the copy paste questions like the one you have asked.

It’s not someone pressing 10 keys though, it’s a third-party software doing that. He’d need 10 physical keys pressed simultaneously for that to make sense.

Just to be clear though, I don’t actually care enough about multiboxers being allowed (because of money). I don’t think they’re common enough to justify any sort of inclusion in their third-party software tracing.