Blizzard : « One action per keypress »

I really don’t get this whole ‘It’s allowed because it brings Blizz more money argument’. Bots bring Blizz money too as the game account and sub time still has to be paid for somehow, either via cash or token, and they are explicitly not allowed by Blizzard.

I get the whole herb node thing is extremely frustrating but can’t we argue for a change in how nodes work rather than destroying the game for all those out there who enjoy playing more than one character at the same time?

Oh and in before I am just another 'boxer trying to justify my playstyle. I am not and have never been a 'boxer and the only time they have seriously annoyed me was in BG’s back when I used to play them.

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You are contradicting yourself, if Blizzard allows it it means it is not againts the rules, because Blizzard is the one who makes their own rules, they are not interpreting rules made by others like you, they are defining what is the absolute truth about their rules, so if they allow multiboxers that means multiboxers are not againts the rules, and there is only reason: because Blizzard said so, and what Blizzard said about their own rules is always the absolute truth, because they are writing the rules, not opining about it.

there you have it, from a string of 15 druids, 14 play by them selfs and the main druid is played by the player. I dont mind ppl to multibox, but it is going beyond all boundrys if you see 2-3-4 trains scraping complete areas and leave nothing for someone else.

Actually it is allowed because Blizzard said it is allowed, that is just how rules work, rules are what they are because the one with authority to define the rules said so. Nothing more.

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Lol…a family of chinese goldfarmers?


I agree and I also suspect that it is allowed because when the Devs initially developed the game the MMOs they came from also allowed 'boxing. It isn’t anything new to WoW after all.

And that’s a clear problem with Herbalism in its current form, which just about everyone agrees on. It says nothing negative about Multiboxing as a practise.

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And this is where we totally agree with each other :slight_smile:

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Multiboxing is clearly making a large portion of the community unhappy. What could the reason be for blizzard to allow this? . . .I wonder.

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You, like everyone againts multiboxing in this post, are mixing what is legal and what is right. Right vs wrong and legal vs illegal is not the same thing. Just because something is right it does not means it is legal and viceverse. You can argue if something is right or wrong, that is subjetive and everyone can have its opinion, but if something is legal or illegal is an absolute truth, rules and laws does not change because you have a different opinion.

You can argue that multiboxing is worng and that means rules should change, that is an opinion, but you can said multiboxing is againts the rules, because that is not true. The rules are what they are, and currently multiboxing is not againts the rules.

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I understand it perfectly, which is more than I can say for you.

Oh dear, maybe you should read stuff before posting rubbish. Thinking Blizzard support it becasue they get money for it is naive at best, but I can’t say what it is at worst as insulting people is not allowed on the forums.

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  1. There is a very fine line, if any line at all, between multiboxing and botting. Any good software developers out there would instantly understand this.

  2. If I were paying 5x or 10x account subscriptions to Blizzard I’d probably be doing it commercially and not just for kicks.

Draw your own conclusions from that.

Imo blizzard should just delete the wow token, if ppl really want to play this game, they will pay for it. That way it makes it less interresting for ppl to multibox. because i dont really think that the 15+ druidtrains actually pay with real money, and i dont believe multiboxing is worth €150,- + per month for these players

uhm not really sure what you mean by that, as i didnt insult anyone in any way what so ever but hey whatever gets your marbles rolling buds :slight_smile:

Is it ? Or is it the poor design of herbalism ?

To give one example of an absolutely basic alternate mechanic :
What if when one person farms a herb":

  • this herb is gone instantly
  • the character who snatched it gets a 8 second debuff that prevents him from clicking another herb within those 8 seconds.
  • another herb instantly spawns , somewhere within a 20yd radius around the herb that’s now gone.

Problem solved. And the problem that the vanilla-system had, where 2 ppl would arrive at a herb at the same time, and only one would get it, and the other would be sad. That problem is largely gone too, because player 1 gets the herb, and player 2, who was a bit slower, immediately see another herb spawn next to him, which player 1 cannot click (since he has the 8sec debuff).

And now when a train of 50 multiboxed druids arrive, they have to click 50 herbs, instead of 1 herb 50x. And if you happen to arrive in the same area as where the 50 druids are stacked up, you have just as much chance as the multiboxer of getting the next herb.

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The wow token makes no real difference to this, it just streamlines the process.

Ever since the dawn of time people have been selling gold for money. Things would just fall back to that, which introduces scammers and such into the mix, for those legit users who wanna get a wowtoken-equiv, but doesn’t address the thing you care about at all.

Gold is still sold everywere, and its against the rules. The legit way of getting gold is by buying a token or to farm and sell stuff in the AH.
Scamming and selling gold is illegal so when ppl deside to do it they face the penalty of being banned. Losing the wow token however makes it less attractive for multiboxer to MB, because they have to pay for the account with real money instead of with Tokens. That way the economy grows, the frustration goes down, and everyone has a fair change on farming whatever they want. And if players really want to multibox they need to pay for it aswell, as they have more benefit from it aswell.

So now we get to the real reason, it’s not automation, you think it’s unfair on you for others to multibox because you can’t/won’t.

You’ve left your moral high ground. Blizzard get more money from tokens than they do from a subscription, you forgot to use that argument in your conspiracy theory before.

That argument makes no sense at all, and that’s not how any of it works.

Gold selling may be against the ToS, that doesn’t mean that Blizzard can prevent it. They never could before, which is part of the reason we have the wow token.

It’s a similar problem that countries face when they want to deal with illegal drugs (certain white powders). Being anti-harddrug is fair enough by most standards, but making it illegal solves nothing. You’ll create a vacuum which inevitably results in an underground market, where you have little to no control (crime, cartels, etc).
The smarter play tends to be to (simplified) legalize the drug, so that it can be sold in similar ways as other goods. That way you can keep track of usage, do targeted anti-drug marketing, offer alternative options to addicts, and tax the crap to use the money for worthy things.

Similarly, before the wow token was introduced the selling and buying of gold happened on websites. And just like with drug cartels, over time you’d end up with a couple of big players (gold selling sites). And now since it’s underground, there are no rules. So these sites would buy gold from botters, take gold from compromised accounts, and likely run bot farms themselves.

Most of that stuff happened outside of wow on those websites, and it’s near impossible for Blizzard to get a handle on that. The wow token (or similar initiatives) were the right move all around.

  • Poor players who wanted extra gold would no longer have to worry about dealing with shady people or getting scammed. Straight forward prices and basically no risks.
  • Rich players can sell their gold to Blizzard (or indirectly to a gold buyer), knowing they aren’t selling to (and thus enabling) a shady organisation.
  • Blizzard gets to see pretty much all the action, so they understand their players better and have the opportunity to tune things when needed.
  • Blizzard gets to tax the coke, i mean gold transfers.

Win win win.

It’s a shame there is no ideas and features request section as this is a good solution.