Blizzard Address Shadow Priest In the near future

They are perhaps stable, but the improvements could be to their stale way of dot applying. Much rather they sat down after season 1 of TWW and redesigned shadow which they promised they do in Dragonflight but didn’t.

Make shadow crash work like .Make it reset during dot damage.- So you can choose to use it on shadow crash or mind blast a short thing like this would make shadow crash feel better.-

Also would rather they tried more in terms of trying to make work would rather aoe in that way would love to see it make a comeback playing dark ascension. Small things like that would make shadow feel more fun.

Would also like to see them moving [Mastermind] over to [Insidious Ire] place and swap them around since that makes more sense in a ST place style.

Make void torrent a free spell you learn that is integrated to [Surge of Insanity] instead of a separate spell, then make mind spike empower and mind flay empower apply [Void Torrent] instead. Remove void torrent as a spell it is a mind flay with a 30 sec CD anyway, feels clunky to play and to use and you never get the full use due to constantly moving.

Also Make [Twins of the Sun Priestess] talent applies 5 [Power Infusion]s on the group so you don’t have to macro play all the time it makes the class more stressful rather than fun, loads of people pick that talent and don’t use it sometimes during raid. Because If you don’t you get kicked for trolling.

If you choose Dark Ascension you gain mind spike and if you choose void form you get Mind flay Would be an addition to the class. ← should be a free thing for shadow since we are weak to damage constantly down to 20% in any given fight.

Also for void form play they should make it more oriented towards [Idol of C’Thun]
also remove void bolt and add it in to Devouring plague instead.

lastly give [Silence] over to the left side of the talent three instead of a shadow only exclusive.

Sorry if this is TLDR. But this is main issues some people will have with its current style Is slow ramp up to much buttons bloats and needing macros for [Power Infusion] feels a design flawed dev style, also constantly down to 20% health and dots healing nothing, feels like personal vendetta against the class.

This is wishful thinking make [Vampiric Embrace] integrated to [Manipulation] an passive instead of a CD. That you take less damage from targets maybe like our old passive used to be on shadowform 15%.

That’s what improvements i would do to the class if i was a dev