Blizzard Address Shadow Priest In the near future

Surge of Insanity Every 2 casts of Devouring Plague transforms your next Mind Flay or Mind Spike into a more powerful spell. Can accumulate up to 2 charges.4 charges.

Think they should make a rework mind flay in to something after shadow crash has landed on many targets. Maybe so it can 4 cleave targets instead with old Mind sear skin like they tried in legion but make it work with the instead then you could remove void bolt and make it work with mind spike too, It feels so not impactful to use mind flay/mind spike on one target in pve feels worthless to be honest after the dots gets removed.

Also make shadow crash land instantly instead of travel change that ability to be a target deadlock instead.

Can you change mass dispel so people donā€™t need to stack so it mass dispels when you self targets everyone .

cool suggestions, Mind Blast as a dot spreader would be better than all dots instant cast though IMO.

Do you mean change the ability to be similar to how Luminous Barrier works? That could work well but a little less skill for both the Priest and all players involved.

It does seem as if there are some complications right now with Shadow Priest and the casted abilities, Mind Flay, Mind Flay: Insanity and an additional Void Torrent. There is room to improve the class, I have noticed they are doing well in DPS in mythics and raids if I have played with them thoughā€¦which is nice ^_^.

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They are perhaps stable, but the improvements could be to their stale way of dot applying. Much rather they sat down after season 1 of TWW and redesigned shadow which they promised they do in Dragonflight but didnā€™t.

Make shadow crash work like .Make it reset during dot damage.- So you can choose to use it on shadow crash or mind blast a short thing like this would make shadow crash feel better.-

Also would rather they tried more in terms of trying to make work would rather aoe in that way would love to see it make a comeback playing dark ascension. Small things like that would make shadow feel more fun.

Would also like to see them moving [Mastermind] over to [Insidious Ire] place and swap them around since that makes more sense in a ST place style.

Make void torrent a free spell you learn that is integrated to [Surge of Insanity] instead of a separate spell, then make mind spike empower and mind flay empower apply [Void Torrent] instead. Remove void torrent as a spell it is a mind flay with a 30 sec CD anyway, feels clunky to play and to use and you never get the full use due to constantly moving.

Also Make [Twins of the Sun Priestess] talent applies 5 [Power Infusion]s on the group so you donā€™t have to macro play all the time it makes the class more stressful rather than fun, loads of people pick that talent and donā€™t use it sometimes during raid. Because If you donā€™t you get kicked for trolling.

If you choose Dark Ascension you gain mind spike and if you choose void form you get Mind flay Would be an addition to the class. ā† should be a free thing for shadow since we are weak to damage constantly down to 20% in any given fight.

Also for void form play they should make it more oriented towards [Idol of Cā€™Thun]
also remove void bolt and add it in to Devouring plague instead.

lastly give [Silence] over to the left side of the talent three instead of a shadow only exclusive.

Sorry if this is TLDR. But this is main issues some people will have with its current style Is slow ramp up to much buttons bloats and needing macros for [Power Infusion] feels a design flawed dev style, also constantly down to 20% health and dots healing nothing, feels like personal vendetta against the class.

This is wishful thinking make [Vampiric Embrace] integrated to [Manipulation] an passive instead of a CD. That you take less damage from targets maybe like our old passive used to be on shadowform 15%.

Thatā€™s what improvements i would do to the class if i was a dev

It can be quite a tricky class to play, I have not played it in quite a while and it seems like it they have tried to make it compete with other caster classes which is really difficult as it has always been known as a ā€˜utilityā€™ dps class, not full DPS like a Mage, Hunter or Warlock for example.

I have seen a lot of Shadow Priestā€™s talking about [Shadow Crash] and itā€™s faults which means some work must be done on it. Ultimately, if the spell is strong (which I think it is, providing the specific fight isnā€™t less that 5-10 seconds)) then maybe only a minor rework is required. Iā€™m not too sure on resetting [Shadow Crash] like [Shadowy Insight] as it is already on a really short cooldown and time between most sets of ads is similar or slightly more than 20 seconds.

The work they have done on [Mind Bender] is really interesting, playing as Discipline Priest you even notice a significant DPS increase in AoE if specā€™d into the pet build. Anyway, back to Shadow Priest, do you mean more single target focused DPS increase? as opposed to AoE dps increaseā€¦ This is another really exciting potential future change to Shadow Priestā€¦ that is if they decide to explore the pet option a little more. I first thought maybe they would introduce a permanent ā€˜Shadow Petā€™ when I saw the raid boss Amalgamation Chamber from Abberus, the Shadowed Crucible Raid, no update as of yet about this thoughā€¦ I mean if I wanted a pet class I would play Warlock (which I actually really enjoy as well).

It seems a little tricky to get [Mastermind] and [Insidious Ire] close enough to talent point into both of them, maybe playing around a little with talents will work. 4% crit increase isnā€™t that major anyway, you could gem into it or enchant into it if you really wanted the crit ^_^ā€¦ the overall dmg buff would be quite nice though.

It is cool having two separate abilities of [Mind Flay] which can be empowered then [Void Torrent] for a nice DPS booster though. Whether they are too similar of a spell is a definitely an important question, [Void Torrent] if introduced it as a base talent it may create room for other types or rework, it is nice that they have made the player choose their play style though, I mean itā€™s quite simpleā€¦ Pet spec or Torrent spec.

Right now I think itā€™s a no go for [Power Infusion] on more than two targets, itā€™s a little too similar to the major raid buffs, I wouldnā€™t complain of course as every raid and mythic wants a class who has a hero ability and I think some Priestā€™s simply get into a raid or party group from having [Power Infusion] alone. Maybe we can give some time for trying to push such a strong party/raid boosting ability.

[Dark Ascension] is a strong DPS booster, do you not think it is a little bit of a inserts inaudible word here with [Void Eruption]/[Dark Ascension]ā€¦ the initial idea of [Dark Ascension] was really cool and possible one of the best Shadow Priest builds, why they didnā€™t continue working on the same play style of void form in the name of ā€˜darker shadow/empowered shadow/improved shadow formā€™ I donā€™t quite understandā€¦ the mechanic/visual would be one of the best in the game tbh.

Iā€™ve not really looked into the [Idol of Cā€™Thun] talent a huge amount or been able to enjoy the benefits it offers in game, can you explain what you mean why remove [Void Bolt] and adding it into [Devouring Plague]?

[Silence] could not go to the left talent tree, there would be absolute outrage in the PvP community.

Your suggestions have been really insightfulā€¦shadowy insightful. Maybe the dev team will consider some of them over the next three expansions. I may make a return to Shadow Priest myself with some improve game play knowledge but for now I have been quite happy as a Discipline Priestā€¦ 1 million+ [Power Word: Shield]ā€¦ thatā€™s a defensive cooldown in itself.

[Shadow Nova] sounds like a really cool ability, making the Shadow Priest have to move in may also be a interesting playstyle as well. This would give another reason to move in to ā€˜melee rangeā€™ as well, other than [Fear].

inserts swear word these are really cool.

Ability list
Void Bolt
Vampiric Leech / Vampiric Sanguine

I think stick with making resetting [Shadow Crash] like [Shadowy Insight] does with Mind blast and buff it up a bit.

Then for mind bender i would loved to see them add in so it has of chance on spawning when you crit with either mind blast or shadow crash it has a chance on spawning like Wings does for Ret paladins at the moment with
Rework that in to instead rework so it has a chance to spawn mind bender with Mind blast and shadow word death crits instead.

Would also work really good with healing a bit so you dont go down to 20% health all the time.

Like there is so much stuff blizzard can do to make the game fun more than void form boredom. Time to step away from legion.

Still think 5man Power Infusion is the way to go like mages shields in their rework.

I think they should add Scream to Mind bender so It can fear at max range.-

This isnt fun going oom and constatly down 20% hp and a crap aoe dot spread.


hahaha does anybody call it [Psychic Scream] in PvE or PvPā€¦ never thought of it.

Instant cast [Psychic Scream] on [Mindbender] would cause a lot of trouble in PvP, I donā€™t think it should remove the ability from the Priest though, only during the time the [Mindbender] is out.

*Casting [Mindbender] will turn [Psychic Scream] into [Fear] / [Shadow Scream] causing all players within 5 yards to flee, disorienting them for 5 seconds. Once your pet returns to the void [Psychic Scream] returns.
(range: 5 yards)


*Casting [Mindbender] will turn [Psychic Scream] into [Fear] / [Shadow Scream] causing the targeted player to flee, disorienting them for 5 seconds. Once your pet returns to the void [Psychic Scream] returns.

I think they should change ( to be has a chance to proc mind bender during mind blast crit for 5 secounds instead of its current version.

Also they should lower the cost of dispell magic stuff and buff the Shield absorb for shadow. And give all priest specā€™s silence in the left side of the talent three.

well To compensate they could make each time mindbender gets used or proc it could fear the adds.

for some parts agreeing with this man

You have to consider both PvE and PvP with this ability as it really useful in both. Manually using the ability creates several opportunties:

PvE: Avoid fearing ads away from the tank (unless talented into [Petrifying Scream]: causes enemies to tremble in place instead of fleeing in fear.

PvP: Manual [Shadow Scream] to allow for crowd control set up with [Psychic Horror] and other class crowd controlling effects.

It would be useful for levelling if every time it feared ads, that wouldnā€™t make a huge difference how the fear worked manual or automatic.

As Thellanah suggested, if [Mindbender] were to proc during [Idol of Yshaarj] from a [Mind Blast] critical strike then it would need some work as the pet fear could become extremely annoying if it was auto.

After leveling priest my suspicions were right always low health constantly having to heal with heals that heals for nothing and slow play style with void torrent still.

They need to fix this class its to much button bloat with no real engage aoe or sustain.

You must be doing it wrong, I feel invincible even with terrible item level and overpulling ridiculously. Soloing 7.7m HP level 80 rares at level 77 when Iā€™m meant to be weak.

I know priest is suppose to be strong but it feels weak constantly kiting and 20% hp and out of mana.