Blizzard Address Shadow Priest In the near future

i hate channeling mind flay .

i created topic few years ago for better shadow but its still boring spec.

just make new skill named black hole and let sp place it like shamans earthquake with 50 insanity cost and done

and if you vt and swp one target inside of blackhole these dots spreads to other targets inside of black hole.

remove voidform. and change mind flay with void bolt with cast time. refreshes all dots when hit.

summon faceless one with 1.5 min cd for 15 seconds. reduce cd for 1 seconds every hit of void bolt.


ill agree its a boring specā€™c like paladin retribution is even more varied in aoe situationsā€¦
and they are like a joke as well.

i ve just realized only thing i like about shadow priest was whispers of xalatath :smiley:

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Depends if you played shadow in legion which i did not do much because it was the ex pack they ditched shadow priest in a sinking ship mechanic, I personally wish they rework how shadow priest is played again their aoe is so stale and the void system is a system of the past.

Shadow priest as a whole has taken 10 steps backwards with this ex pack as a class spec and them nerfing it makes no sense, they need to bring back aoe spells that are fun and instant like druids or fire mages or warriors or hunters


Legion destroyed most specs. There isnā€™t in my view a single spec/class that improved from WoD class design. Combat, Survival, Shadow priest and Demonology are just the worst offenders.

Legion Elemental came close, but even that was simply because of Gust of Wind- Which they promptly removed. Ele was much better in WoD and previous expansions, as were every single other spec.

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sad but the truth spoken now aoe feels like none existence in big pulls like 1 bottom everything boredom.

While i understand your feelings about this, im the exact opposite. I think wow had its peak in legion with everythingā€¦content and classes by far. With M+ which was introduced there and really enjoyable (gear swaping and tyr or fortified started at lv 10).

After that many artifact weapon skills or legendary effects became talents in the tree which was a big step backwards.

So for now as much as i love playing SP, our aoe rotation with SN is by far the worst.

mind sear channeling time should be 10 seconds at being crazy. and must remove GCD of that ability

remove gcd of void bolt and void form too and mind blast and all dots.

instant vampiric touch is okay for me :smiley:

As a casual spriest since BFA the class has never felt as clunky to play in AOE as right now. Searing Nightmare rotation feels worse than BFA voidform.

the aoe in big fights is none existence no more blizzard sorta gave up on shadow priest this expack.

Yeaā€¦ Shadow is only going to be the best spec for raiding next tierā€¦ how horrible.

I think this might be a little simplistic, Iā€™ve seen the tier lists etc, and Iā€™m currently in the process of writing up my own thoughts, but I will say this.

Shadow is one of, if not the best at the thing that it does (Sustained single target, augmented by the presence of adds due to ToF). However, the raidā€™s gonna ask a lot more of groups than just that (Especially on mythic), and there will be other things of equal, if not higher value that shadow just canā€™t do or help with.

If you remember back in SOO, we had feral druids topping single target by 20-30%, which is obscene compared to todayā€™s balance. Even still, you rarely saw more than 2 in a 25 man raid team.

Itā€™s not like Shadow is bad on cleave fights. Shadow is already blasting on fights like Huntsman and Inerva. And the cleave is going to be even better in 9.1 due to small transfer of damage from DP to dots.

Looking at the encounters of SoD Iā€™m very confident that Shadow will be able to fulfil most of the important requirements of the raid group. The damage profile of Shadow is just extremely efficient. No one cares about specs that are high on the meter because of unimportant pad damage. Like for example Havoc DH on Sire D or Fury on Sun King. Shadow is just pure efficient damage.

Iā€™m not entirely sure if youā€™re trying to claim that Shadow is a one trick pony, but thatā€™s definitely not true. Shadow is extremely versatile and have legendaries/talents for most important raid scenarios.

I doubt it. But if you have any examples of important damage that Shadow cant help with then youā€™re more than welcome to present them.

Shadowā€™s very VERY well positioned for SoD, donā€™t get me wrong. But Iā€™d be really shocked to see anyone ā€œStackā€ them in the way hunters or DKs were. Iā€™ll still call them S tier, but the lack of meaningful utility always tends to hold them back, especially on end bosses. Guilds still want locks, still want moonkins, still want mages etc etc. Donā€™t expect to see 5 shadows on 1 boss.

Shadow looked absolutely top of the world in EP, yet for WF between method and limit they brought one for azshara.

still do think shadow is ok but i donā€™t think the playstyle compared to a free win no skill push bottom for massive dps and aoe mage druid hunter Death knight is anything to argue over.

They need to address shadows boring aoe playstyle, I am not found of the missing part of an expanded aoe department :smiley: we miss like 1 spell for aoe yeah they buff and nerf dots. It doesnā€™t fix that the playstyle still is boring compared to other specs.

Shadow Priest aoe playstyle feels like a sloppy disk drive that canā€™t read Cds anymore.

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I donā€™t disagree, but Iā€™m sick of you repeatedly saying itā€™s weak when itā€™s not. Im never gonna defend the design of searing nightmare, but the spec does put out numbers in m+ if you can play it. Itā€™s just incredibly counter intuitive and awkward.

i can clearly state that the current aoe of shadow is fine, but a drag compared to keep up with given any other class talent specialization out there feels. Shadow feels more like a chore with these small changes. With these minor changes at best it feels like flavor of the month specc when people highly regard itā€™s fine when it feels like it miss half of the fun in it which is rewarding aoe spells.

Thatā€™s my point im trying to prove and keep on doing till blizzard finally addresses the underwhelming talent choices boring 2 bottoms mash wait for a cd to keep up with other specs which has way more fun rewarding ways around doing aoeā€¦

Itā€™s ironic that people complained about BFA voidform so much when SL searing nightmare playstyle feels even worse. Doing aoe as SP feels like a chore while other classes just press one or two buttons. Iā€™ve quit my spriest until they stop forcing the spec into searing nightmare.

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