I would srsly stop responding to that guy. As one of the less ones i was reading this thread from the beginning and this guy is absolutely garbage in thinking and playing.
Being that resistent to opinions and facts which are proven 100 times is the most childish behaviour i have ever seen.
I mean its ok if he/she/it keeps playing the +5 keys, keeps crying all the time and being the worst Player in wow, but its not ok to “scare” new SPs who dont know the stuff and want to improve. They get a wrong idea of this specc which is definitly fine. Meta slavery is booming, yes but sp is nowhere being bad.
That’s a complainer. and i love the fact all of you three play night fae trying to tell me night fae isn’t busted which it is. The freedom of choice is gone.
I have switched to fae about 3 days ago to test it since it turns out fae has the biggest potential to push keys. But even as necro i was doing keys that you will most probably never be able to do, no matter what covenant (and i dont really think these are high keys at all). I suggest you to have your freedom of choice and just give up on playing spriests, since it seems to be designed for more skilled players (or just these willing to learn) than crying casuals.
Also the big problem with priest is actually players with your mindset. I mean im aware of what priest can do, and if i played other class right now and would see high rio priest i would take him to party, cause if he got high rio as priest it means he can play.
And then there are people like you, who thinks that mage/boomie is a way to go, that priest has some problems with aoe damage, and its not viable for m+. People actually think like that because they are either your mindset aka “meta op, op class=op dps”, or they just read delirium that people like you post and they think that there is actually any problem with shadow. The problem with shadow is that it needs skill to play properly, and your problem with shadow is that you dont have this skill to play it properly, so try easier class instead of whinning. I once took 1k rio spriest to party, he queued up with tank and heal for my sanguine 16 key. He was doing basically no damage, clueless. At some point of the dung he had 3.5k overall dps, and our tank had 3.5 overall dps. He was basically like a no player at all. He was like 214 ilvl and i was like 219 ilvl at this point. Before i quit the dung because of losing my patience, I’ve had 6.5 overall dps as necro shadow, and he was 3.5k overall as i dont really know what covenant. Are you sure this wasn’t you? XD
Btw. my switch to fae is actually alot more about the utility of soulshape for shadow. As necro i had fleshcraft, which i barely used, cause using it makes you stop, and no one is willing to stop doing m+ push. And as shadow in general we dont have any mobility, which soulshape fixes.
i think the covenant switch everyone to night fae needs to die down in 9.1 night fae tbh needs a nerf and rework and other covenants addressing :). They should buff the class not make it’s ability’s unbalanced with 1 instant spell.
still a basic fact night fae is a must to fix shadow lack in the other covenants which is boring.
None of the other classes face this dilemma. Druid paladin can go any covenant blizzard just made us in to a force chore choose only this covenant for some other specs all are made viable to choose any covenant without having it impact like 90% of game play…
Shadowlands covenant feels lackluster for 80% of the specs not only shadow priest or holy priest shadowlands is still in a beta version.
Well, they spent few hours on reworking sp already, so I doubt we will get another chance anytime soon despite that they screwed it. It still feels clunky, aoe feels horrible, utility still meh at best. Only positive thing at sp seems to be decent single target damage.
Decent? It’s in top 3 single target damage and going more towards number 1 based on how many mechanics/movement is involved.
If shadow had better utility and a bit of AOE buff it would be Boomie nr2.