Blizzard Address Shadow Priest In the near future

they should buff SWP damage to begin with it deals less damage than holy priests by 20%. They should also add back cascade to proc when you mind sear targets with swp on them as a passiv effect in aoe

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Shadow priest the spec that always complains about something.

Complaining when doing low dps complaining when doing top dps of all specs in the game you really should just try to get together and give blizzard a rework of the spec completely.
Instead of this always complaining state that is happening.

Ohh no that’s not us complaining, that is literally everyone else complaining about, what’s usually a F tier spec being on top for once. And usually without realizing that raid bosses were designed in a way that made our niches powerful, look at 8.1 and 8.2, a lot of bosses were made in a way that only spread cleave was possible, plus dotting adds for more insanity for more ST. And we were the spec that had the most to gain from haste, making us “OP” on that one fight

now shadow feels less fun to play due to no aoe while all hybrid classes can just freely without a wonky trash combo void form dps. Look at monks they are doing 89k as well aoe.

Yeah you are 100% WRONG here.
and i know that for a fact because EVEN THE GUIDE writer for shadow priests was on these very forums complaining when shadow was TOP dps in raids.
I spoke to them so you can not say this to me because it is just plain wrong.

Shadow priest have the second-highest chance to be doing ABOVE middle of the pack dps historically at least if counting from WoD to this day.
The monk class writer have this documented from looking at warcraftlogs every 2 weeks for all this time.
with OVER 90% of the time being a VERY strong spec.
The only class above it needs to have 3 specs combined and that is Mage.

You are wrong here

You only look at one aspect, which on one hand we have ST which is amazing! Which what 1-2 ppl on here hate

On the other hand we have AOE, now see this is the side ppl are complaining about. It’s extremely clunky, talent based and gives awful numbers, compared to basic baseline cleave of other specs

IDK which logs he’s been looking at, but WoD logs we were all the way in the bottom 3 specs, but then legion hit then sure we got well above average, mingling with the top specs. And back in legion both AOE and ST was somewhat balanced, since then we’ve gone between being strong and pathetically weak in both AOE and ST. And guess what?! PPL only remember if something has been bad for some reason

So please with all respect, fire your fact finder, maybe even your eyes, so you can get some that sees that we’re actually only complaining about the bad not the good

Edit: And a lot of the complaints are actually also only thematically and gameplay based. There’s only a few here that actually complain about numbers

I am wrong you say so you are claiming that the former (might still be as i see him in the shadow team on discord) guide writer of shadow priest EllipsĂŹs was not complaining on these forums?
I can say that is just factually untrue.
He was complaining when shadow priest was top dps
he was complaining at the end of The Eternal Palace according to my own comment list.
Even using your own flawed way of looking at who is doing good or bad shadow was top dps by a lot that tier.
So you are just wrong here.

So in warcraftlogs you have sort by 2weeks (they call it Over a range of 2weeks)
He has been gathering that information every 2weeks from the start of Warlords of Draenor to this day in shadowlands.
The looking at the list on warcraftlogs now just shows you the last 2weeks of the patch.
He then put it in a spreadsheet to see what specs and classes are doing above the middle of the pack.
You do not understand how the information is gathered so before you say stupid things you might want to understand how it works.
it is that list that has shadow priest being above middle of the pack strong for 90% of this time.

And a pretty much 100% changed spec compares to now a days how?
And he was right in 9.2 we were nerfed very hard, if it wasn’t for the 3 fights that was designed in a way that made our toolkit strong

You clearly don’t understand, and didn’t read my edit

So you think dropping from 1 by a LOT to the 6th spot is a heavy nerf and you do not see how that is still being Far above average?

And you are still complaining about the spec it is changed and you are still complaining.
there are specs that have had almost no change for years and years and years that does not complain at all compared to shadow priest.

I do You clearly did not understand how it works.

No i did not i was typing my reply before you edited.
So that is my bad.

This is what you replied to in the first place my dude.
I understand you might think i was talking about dps only there but i was lumping everything together.
Shadow priest have already had a full overhaul to how it plays (i had forgotten that when i made that comment) and you are still complaining.

Nothing changes no matter what is happening to shadow priest the shadow community complains none stop about something.

How is blizzard supposed to be able to do anything to your spec when you always complains no matter what they try?
Even with a full overhaul for shadow priest in dragonland i am sure the complaining will continue.

Maybe because it actually feels good???

No you clearly don’t. You’re looking at overall damage, we’re specifically talking aoe

Let’s just add the first part there. But yeah we’re trying to make them do something and have been trying for a long time

I get it, it’s hard, but we got designed around the artifact back then, and they didn’t think long term. And for the SL late beta rework they didn’t change legos to actually match the rework. All most ppl want is what we used to be pre legion

Maybe by reworking it away from void form and give us an aoe that isnt RNG BASED like our S**** t4 set bonus, make it viable to PRESS without a cast time… Make shadow like fire mages, survival and warlocks.

Its 2022 not 2015

and add dots that actually do more damage than holy priests.

I wanna feel like my class can do damage not feel like a claustrophobic bicker that drives drunk in to a three every time it comes to aoe. Warlocks can do 147k with 1 bottom why cant blizzard make every class like that.

Priest No Changes Needed (I will Remeber that blizzard)

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Shadow changed very little from Wotlk/cata till WoD. If anything they just kept adding to it, rather than remaking it.

Whether it does good or not in raids is irrelevant because the way with which it deals damage is degenerate.

Shadow’s problem, since legion, has been that it has been designed as a ramp-up spec that deals damage the longer a fight goes on, and that it excels in multidotting encounters.

Problem is, the game isn’t designed like that way anymore. Ramping up damage simply does not function in a game that is designed with the idea that you need to deal damage now, not yesterday. At the same time, multidotting has been gutted to the ground by making dots deal less damage than a wet noodle.

The fundamental problem with shadow is that it is designed as a spec with lots of abilities that deal very little damage upfront and instead overtime, all the while the game has been designed around bursty and frontloaded damage, which SP is simply incapable of.

Add to this the fact that, since Legion, Blizzard for whatever reason just does not want SP’s abilities to deal a lot of damage baseline, and has instead moved that damage into passives, procs and set bonuses. See: BFA corruptions and essences, SL tier sets, Legion legendaries.

For example when I play survival, when I throw a bomb with the 4 set bonus, my bomb deals that huge amount of damage, and it deals it now, not 12 seconds later or with underlying conditions.

As for Ellipsis talk earlier, I don’t know if we remember his posts the same way, but he if abybody always pointed out that in terms of performance, SP was more or less always fine. No problems.

It’s the fact that, in order to get to those levels of performance, you have to jump through hoops and loops that no other class has to with no apparent reason than developer nostalgia.

Also fyi, arms warriors, demo locks, affli locks, UH dk’s, survival and mm hunters, arcane mages and many other specs ask for reworks and adjustments to their specs. Not just SP’s.

in a bg on level 60 i do about the same damage or more as a disc priest.
its stil fun to play as shadow in a epic bg but compared to disc its so much weaker.
void torrent the biggest burst skil form shadow does about the same damage as penance with a 4 set.
maybe if they would give shadowfiend as a permanent pet and buff its damage with 50% than you would not feel quilty anymore to que up as shadow.

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Yay someone who’s better with words than me! :smiley:

very fun druid tank pulls 20 adds does more cleave than me hows that fine? Monk which is bottom dps does more dps than me hows that fine? a bm hunter which IS

suppose to be bottom dps does more dps than shadow hows is anything of this fine?

I push 7 bottoms as a dps while they push 1 bottom…

Its annoying to an extent i can’t get in to 20+ keys to finish my darn 3k lock for my conduits.

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You know he’s speaking about pre legion shadow right?

The complaints were about functionality and viability of the spec not the numbers it could pull out. It was always a good spec in raids. But this game isnt just about raids isnt it? Legion and bfa shadow was realy hard and clunky to play outside of raid due to rampup and overall nature of our stand still turret shuffling with vb playstyle.

Legion and bfa shadow suffered alot from one big factor - losing borrowed powers (artifact and then chorus azerite trait) which was the spec literaly designed around to function, not do well or do big dam, just function properly. And that was the complaint going from bfa to shadowlands where we lost lucid essence, azerite traits, all haste and this class just stopped working alltogether…so we asked for rework after testing this empty shell on beta.

They did rework it and it looked promising before the guy who did it left blizzard and we are here without a single shadow legendary that does “something shadow” where our best singletarget legenadry is adding a cleave to our pet, with no covenant that provides something intteresring or helpful to our playstyle or fill holes in this design. Now the 4 set is amazing to play around and its powerfull and realy helps in dungeons but its still not near enough to be even close pull to pull with other specs. Its frustrating to play and searing nightmare is the most ooof ability ive ever had to use in this game…ever…and its mandatory for dungeons.

I dont recall a single season, since the keystone mythic plus was added to the game, where leader that creates the group would say “oh ye take that shadow priest, theyre good, op, strong, have bl cr kick cc aoe stealth slow root reliable stun” etc etc etc…Priest has always been poop in m+ and its nice to see ppl comming from woodwork and dusting of their destro, survival, bdk “mains” and defending their current broken status with “its fine theyre op af because they were bad for couple seasons”…sp was only bad in key since its introduction and only that. It would be nice for them to finaly adress this…

Its also frustrating to see only nerfs to your spec every single season since emerald nightmare just because its strong in raids due to the nature of encounters suiting our “niche” - which is useless literaly everywhere else.

Only place shadow was realy good in sl was pvp. And even that is now realy supbar since our dmg is literaly :poop:

Youre claiming that you know our discord members and guide writers. Go then to discord and check the pinned post for doing aoe this season. Its a huge wall of text of things you have to master in order to do proper aoe rotation. Mostly depending on number of targets pulled, how long will they live etc.
And if you do all of that…you will be still doing supbar dmg compared to destro spamming rain of fire or guardian pressing zerk…Thats whats the complaints are about here i believe …if you ignore about 350-390 posts here which are tellanah necroing this post and talking with himself trough his alts.

Other than that i dont really see your point or goal that youre trying to achieve in this post. Shadow just isnt good this season. And its not about having a conversation or convincing someone about it…its right there…just go play it and check it yourself. You will get stuck right on first step, which is getting the invite to any group if you dont make your own.


Its a claustrophobic specc the aoe is there and not there at the same time. Its annoying you gotta stop to void bolt for 2 sec then spam SN again which is annoying. WHy can’t they make void bolt castable while you channeling spells…

I think they should go back to how they played with the shadow orb system.

Well at lest back then shadow wasn’t such a fiesta in aoe as it is now. they seriously need to fix this specc.