Blizzard Address Shadow Priest In the near future

I dont think so. In legion our aoe outside of legendary chest eruption was nonexistent…shadowlands aoe is clunky af but far superior to legion i terms of power…

I personaly liked the most for m+ bfa version of s4 corruption decked ghost tsunami build…that was the most fun ive had in m+ on sp.
SN during sear is just…wierd.

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a bit. indeed.

All I really have to say is have Cascade have a big comeback with a 10 sec cd


Baseline SN should be a good 1st step even if the spell feels garbage to use.

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yeah why did they remove that 1 :slight_smile: thanks for reminding me i edited my post.

have u tryed shadowflame prism?actually fills a hole in top and soa where packa are smaller

hey…tra shadowflame prism with mindbender and death and madnes for cleave fights.wait for mindblast instant proc…pop mender and then 2 mb+ swd…does really decent dmg.after that mb on cd while sniping low with swd.u can extend mindbender almost up to 30 sec with this…: making it literally 30 sec cd

Best joke ive read in a while

whats the joke tell me :slight_smile:

have u tryed shadowflame prism…its very good for cleave fights at least for some m+dung like top or soa.basicly u wait for instant mb proc…pop bender(rabid shadow conduit) void form into 2 mind blast+swd(as only these spells triggers aoe shadowflame dmg)and after that mb on cd and sniping with swd lower targets to get reset of swd(death or madness).with decent haste u can keep bender uptime for almost 30 sec(and cd is 1 min)so u have it for every pack almost

i have but id say Eternal void is bit better because you can spam mind sear on aoe fights you get loads of tentacles cleavage but on single target we lose up a bit.

Shadowflameprism is the joke, sadly


ah, The jokes on you shadow has no aoe legendarys besides an execute aoe sadly. Or a Rng Call To The Void which requires loads of luck and makes the playstyle cluncky and that you lose out on single target dps.

am doing 8-12k with soulleting ruby+voidform+ power infusion and shadowflame prism.for me way better then eternal or talbadar leggo for smaller packs(3-5targets).eternal void cant compete with shadowflame prism bcs even if it procs it dmg one target while mindbender teleport behind target and cleave up to 5 targets.Am very satsfied how this works.Am casual 1.4rio shadow and this legendary helped me on some dungeons.and with incoming buffs for void form at 1 min cd it will get only better bcs it perfectly alligns with minbender cd…which does not mean we will be on pair with mages or boomers but am perfectly fine with state of sp atm.there are always some meta class outhere and it does not mean we suck bcs we are not meta

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im not so satisfied :smiley: but i can understand how big of a difference the gameplay between you and me are.

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I cant do call to the void anymore in m+, the randomness is annoyance


You can specc in The night fae then your cd is 30 sec blizzard kinda wants everyone to go night fae atm. If you use the 2min cd during void form you get 2 void forms every 1st and 3rd void forms you do.


Still don’t get why blizzard thinks this specc still works after 7 reworks which didn’t work.


Imo they should buff the two dots, it has to happen.
BFA was fine but almost every tuning passed had to have a dot % nerf slapped.

Every single time a nerf happened the notes ended with 6% nerf to dots. Spiteful apparition is gone now and the aoe/cleave is a lackluster. A dot buff and AS returned to 100% 75%, even the 50% would help.

And then i really dont understand the nerfs to SN when other spec have their uncapped aoe damage left as is.


In general they should buff mind sear back up it literally does 0 damage in aoe compared to frost mages blizzard