Blizzard Address Shadow Priest In the near future

i doubt blizzard will ever buff shadows aoe in this ex pack

The problem with buffing mind sear is the damage is directly tied to mind flay, and the more damage flay does the worse shadows mobility is in single target / raids. The most damage sear can do is 50% of mind flay.

Bliz “fixed” this when they removed mind sear in legion (Letting it be it’s own independently tuneable passive effect), but people complained about pruning so much it came back.

They should just buff mind sear tbh :stuck_out_tongue: blizzard does like 30k dps 1 sec mind sear is like 1k fish stick

They could keep it as is, but add trinket like scaling for 3+ targets

Except blizzard is not a direct replacement for frost bolt in frost mage’s rotation. The two specs don’t function the same way so the comparison is pointless.

Mind Flay does in my gear 440 damage per tick with no mastery bonus etc.

Mind Sear does 230. Just slightly over half.

Both spells have no cooldown, no resource cost, and are basically “fillers”. They serve the exact same role, just in different target counts. Whatever you do to one, you have to do to the other. Unless you did something like Quatin said, changing how the scaling formula works, or going back to how it was in Tomb of Sargeras and this time people don’t complain “muh pruning”.

Frankly I hate mind sear, I appreciate the utility in pvp but it’s a terrible spell and has been terrible since its inception. Having a single target and aoe filler designed the way they are really just hasn’t ever worked.

Would like to try it. However, am I gonna spend my soul ash on a legendary for two dungeons? Might go for it.

Not sure if its just me outgearing queing for a few quick 15s but I was stomping it last week in mythic+ on tyranical doing pretty great boss dmg. We might be looking at some nice scaling. I would really like to see the psychic link be a thing for the future though because how SN is working is just bad design.

as much as i hate the suicide legendary path blizzard are buffing this making shadow spamming shadow word death on people getting hit by truck load self damage

? Sear proccing lashers, which deal an aoe damage.

true on both parts but i feel as if shadow is a strong single target but when burst aoe cleave on demand comes we fall off

This whole argument might be void when 9.0.5 comes with buffs to shadowflame, tho it needs further work in my opinion, like instead of extending fiends/benders uptime, reduce the CD to have it up for more fights.

Or just rework it completely to just make fiend/bender a permanent pet. And give us cascade baseline instead of sear, and cost 50 insanity and spawn apparitions, and change searing nightmare into cascading nightmare doing the exact same thing but also adding VT to the targets hit due to it now being a spender. And ofc make everything that needs VT to proc, proc of off SW:P instead. And make Dark Thoughts proc of off dot damage rather than increased proc chance per dot

Instant cast all dots and someways to spread them out to everyone in a 30 yard range. Then mindsear to keep reapply them. And use mindblast and reapplying the spender dot to spread the largest dots around and spam shadow apperation … could be a hard rotation to maximize and a huge increase in aoe without impacting single target.

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If this happened, our own spells will become much, much too weak. Somewhat like Hunters (not Marksmen) who become useless without their pets - but this would be all for the sake of a Legendary. That, or the Fiend/Bender will be weakened, again all because of one Legendary.

Shadow wouldn’t be right as a pet spec.

Fiend/bender is already weak af, making it permanent would give bender more value in ST, AOE and PvP sustain wise. And if your chosen activity requires some more burst’ish power just go with Tal and void torrent

And at no point did I say it should be permanent outside of the legendary

me personally wouldn’t mind if blizzard made so mind bender talent had a chance to activate your pet while you did devouring plague or something fun like that :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m not opposed to that, but let SN be able to proc it as well

And at no point I said you said otherwise.


yeah :stuck_out_tongue: shadow leggos are shiet

flavor of the moths speccs :stuck_out_tongue:

I liked shadow and think it is interesting to play. The problem is I can’t do enough dmg. I actually do less dmg on my 215 priest than on my 200 boomkin.

And the boomkin is less stressfull and more dynamic. Fells miles ahead. But then again it is sow awesome when 10 shadow figures appear and starts running to the target.

I have a lot of ideas on how to fix SP.

a newly dinged fire mage can do 8k with a newly crafted legendary becouse blizzard thinks its good game balanced pve :stuck_out_tongue: heres me 216 ilvl shadow barely 2-5k

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