Blizzard Address Shadow Priest In the near future

Its the season 2 four set that is oriented towards void form looking forward to season 3 when DA gets viable somewhat (hoping).

Don’t like Mind Spike? Play this instead.

Go have fun doing whatever it is that you do and stop spreading misinformation.

Yogg nzoth is better due to set bonus.

Hope it change in season 3 when the new set bonus is announced
I personally hope they buff up the up time on mind bender from 0.7 back to 2 secounds as it used to be in season 1 of DF- I personally like that more than void bolt.

Also playing without mind games since you lose dps on using it i do more dps without it So i don’t specc it since you lose 2 casts on void bolts and mind blasts, also you go out of mana using mind games its bad.

They’re literally comparable at this point after the yogg nerf but go off sis. It’s clear you don’t want to listen to reason or be offered solutions, you just want to complain.

I Might sound rude.

But the devs have really not been taking this class specc places when it comes to multi dotting 20 adds on the constantly moving tank meta.

Or for when they adds dies and you Void torrent Void form Shadow Crash is on Cooldown and tanks picks up 20 new adds that you have to do with 20 Vampiric Touches.

Just saying feels untouched since Shadowlands. Mobility is either meh tbh Miss having Door of shadow / soul shape.

part from that having seriously any aoe that feels like actually aoe compared to this RNG either you have CDS up Or not is so sad design that only works for 20+ higer keys were adds lives through 20 sec and 30 sec CDS.

Eyes might work differently telling or voicing that dotting and or having something that remotely wants you to log on to.

when its your fav specc in game is feeling like a sloppy noddle joe fix not cared or loved by a multi dollar dev team is hate then so be it.

Still Paladin is the most played Specc in all three specialsations wanna know why their spell coordination works with the holy power system Shadow feels half the time when CDs is on CD you feel like you trying you best to timing CDS not be on cds for the next 20+ adds feels a bit like unrewarding playstyle.

Can they make it more like ret paladins Divine storm rather than passive that passive this and RNG luck with void bolts and forms.

Isn’t that so much to ask been trying to suggested that having mind bender as a permanent pet that deals passive cleave here and there and mind blast spreading VT on to other targets wouldn’t hurt the game. Same with Shadow word death spreading shadow word pain on to other targets would fix the down boredom game some where for shadow.

Balance Druid and Warrior Prot spread their dots with other attacks like devs should open their eyes and spread some dearly love move on from void form and shadow crash it doesn’t work.

When they realize that they are so far out there that they are still stuck in 2016 stage.

Im looking forward to the season 3 to see if they care anything.

also I know blizzard and this isn’t a tenth of their potential

Lastly Pi can burn in a hell hole i detest having to share my only dps CD with someone else not getting anything back for it In my own dps.


seams they meet half way shadow form less terrible somewhat. Now to fix the terrible dotting system :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah saw the Glyph is a redeeming quality now to make it only apply in combat and make it fade away out of combat would make it even better.

Also add Vampiric Touch Application on Mind blast and remove shadow crash :stuck_out_tongue: for season 3. Would make the talent row more fun rather than having to pick 2 choices for a meh dot spread feels underwhelming tbh I mean would feel better if blizzard worked VT spread in To our Main users instead Just saying add VT spread in to mind blast.

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lol devs can eat a muddblock if they think they even deserv a pat on the shoulder :stuck_out_tongue:

#Remove PI tired of this crap ability and only buffs others not me.

blizzard dev team for this class thinks a lowly glyph works… looool fix the dotting application system instead remove shadow trash. xD

This is crap treament.

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Its just to make people pay sub but not to voice op about how terrible shadow crash feels.

on a plate crap treatment hope they do something about this awful nerfs they are dishing out.

Pvp feels like awful Melee kills us in 2 secounds.

Priest nerfed again.

they seriously need to fix dot application of priest lol

With all those void portals thrown left and right, I feel it’s about time we get one as a form of added mobility, somehow like door of shadows. Just saying!


I think they need a reconfiguration in their way of thinking everything needs hard casting. Meanwhile everyone else has instant aoe dotting and CDS instant and what nots and mobility.,Apparition%20damage%20reduced%20by%2015%25.

Instead of removing Pi lets nerf the already wonky dps. :wink:

but i bet they don’t really want to sit down they are on permanent holidays rather than tryna fix this class xD

they should at lest make the Cds Void form and dark Ascension instant cast.

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Yeah also remove Pi redesign the class give back doors of shadows remove cast timers on them. Make mind bender a permanent pet and add back the set bonus of season 4 shadowlands and make mind blast and shadow word death spread VT and SW:P Remove shadow crash.

You want to much with that Mind Blast/SW:D thing…Lets see the other DOT spec and his AOE…Need to maintain Haunt,UA,Corruption,Agony,SL on main target then spamming Seed of Corruption(1.5 sec cast time and cost 1 shard) to apply Corruption on multiple targets, then Vile Taint to apply Agony on all targets within 10y range(this have 1.1 sec cast time and cost 1 shard+25sec cd) and then manually refreshing agony on all targets+keeping dots on main target?