Blizzard Address Shadow Priest In the near future

They should remove shadow crash add Dotting on to Mind blast and Shadow word death and make Mind bender and PL main source for shadow remove mind flay and add back Mind spike with instant proc chance.

Then add CD on Mass dispell and Mind Soothe and remove Pi and give priest hero

and add back Door of shadows with instant cast remove Body and soul and add that on to door of shadow.

I love this obsession with removing shadow crash because its hard to make it land on a pack.



When everyone is already DPSing, I have to wait for the tank to hold the pack in place for so I can finally start DPSing myself.

So yes, missing Shadow Crashes is a thing and is a feels bad moment that I have to wait 20 seconds for another and manually apply DoTs whilst doing bottom DPS for the next 15ish seconds.

Personally, I want a “if it does not hit anything, it’s cool-down is instead 5 seconds”, but everyone is asking for a much better way of applying dots.

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they should just add bender as permanent pet remove shadow crash add in Mind blast cleaves VT out and make shadow word death apply Pain to all targets near it.

Like so small changes would make the specc less horrible and more fun. I mean mage can spread their 1bil unlimited spam fiesta after the rework shadow feels like a bootleg horrible play ST dotting on 20+ add fights when crash is on CD meanwhile tank is running marathon.

Then add back doors of shadow (with instant cast and add 50% movement speed after you’ve blinked) and make DA instant cast remove PI and add Hero to priest.

Give Mass dispell a 1min CD, And Soothe a 2min cd

remove feathers and give us doors of shadow instead. Or make doors of shadows a choice instead of feathers.

Like this bootleg inst even worth logging on to to play content when aoe is crap :stuck_out_tongue: (not crap in numbers) crap on demand.

shadow feels weird without any stable minded aoe.

1mil aoe mage 2 sec same with warlocks must feel like all the games rework class money went there.’s%20Torment%2C%20increasing%20the%20initial%20damage%20of%20your%20next%20cast%20of%20Shadow%20Word%3A%20Pain%20by%20250%25%20or%20the%20damage%20of%20your%20next%20Shadow%20Crash%20by%2050%25%2C%20stacking%20up%20to%2012%20times.

yikes these 4 set screams you must hit shadow crash lol (trash)

Shadow crash should be replaced with Shadow word: Dark Halo (replaces Halo).
Creates a ring of Dark energy around you that quickly expands to a 40 yd radius, dealing [(144.2% of Spell power) * 1] Shadow damage to enemies. Also applies Shadow Word: Pain and Vampyric Touch to all targets on hit. Cast time reduced to: 0.5 sec. 30sec Cooldown.
Damage is reduced after 5 targets.

This should make everything soo much easier and more fun as shadow Priest. No damn aim and hope it hits effect.

As my issue is by now, shadow crash hits 8 targets with VT+SWP. Makes us in need to singel target cast VT on like 10 targets… while a warrior just runs in and pops everything and hits everything and bleed is all around it.

Priests should atleast be in pair with other AOE classes in terms om mobility, apply dots to stuff. Then if it does less dmg I dont care, just make us on pair with others…

ALL this NERFS coming in 10.2 is just gonna ruin Shadow even more as we are by now also ALOT after other classes in DPS.

PI Nerf = Sure
Mass Dispell Nerf: Sure
Shadow Crash Nerf: ehms can you nerf it even more? yepps you just did.
Less dmg nerf? Yepps you just did by 3x DP to get insanity… Atleast make it 2x DP… That would not mess up the rotation as much as 3x does…

God Blizzard has really put the Priest designer in the wrong spot. If I was boss of WOW, I would fire that designer already… BY FAR.

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I think they should rework shadows left side and make Holy nova in to shadow Nova make it work with DA and make so it buffs its damage would be fun variation in season 3 to walk up close and when you have to move to use. make so holy nova happens on your target remove shadow crash and add holy nova instead, also make it applicate VT on to all targets it hits.

make that work rework Rhapsody ( in to something shadow nova so we get some aoe like an explosive priest would been fun im kind of happy they are nerfing mass dispell didnt use that so much anyway.

mind games and divine star and halo is dead anyway.

will be fun to See DA Mind bender see play with the new set bonus ( hope it works with

Now if they could make DA and VF instant cast.

make Mind bender in to a permanent pet pls.-

Just tried it, the set bonus works with it… tripple hits with pet. during 1min below 20% mob was about 10m done… about 1m per 10sec. during 2min ended att 22m done. As this is PTR and laggy as hell, I belive the below 20% burst is just… INSANE…

But overall. Shadow is really strange now…

will be interesting but i think the four set should extend the duration on mindbender instead of shadow crash damage.

then make shadow crash disappear add something better to dot spread vampiric touch with like mind blast add target dot spread with mind blast and shadow word death adds SwP on to targets instead.-

then make Pi stay the way it is now but does 50% of its hast buff on to other targets but full 100% on the priest instead of nerfing it the way they do now.

I like the mind bender playstyle i hope they do something serious with it. I love the way they have done it in shadowlands they should in all honesty try it full course I rather take that over void bolt i hate the play style it feels outdated it doesn’t feel like you unleash an powerful attack unlike when you press mind blast and you mind bender explodes on the adds. Its just the dot management blizzard need to remove focus on shadow crash and add in unholy nova and make it dot spread maybe idk. Its a very hard design choice but i hope they fix that during next expack. I like personally don’t like void form others do. Either make shadow have two different specs like Feral and Guardian druid.

Make Void be one spec and shadow be one other spec like sub specs

Like the design team has so much they can do with priest tbh they are not brain storming enough though happy they read about the people wanting mind bender to play a role.

I like the idea of trying to keep your mind bender up its just the boring shadow crash they need to kill its anti fun.

lastly make Dark Ascension instant cast and Void form too.

also this change would make shadow a bit bursty in pvp- and a bit mobile in pve and raid.

lastly add back doors of shadow instead of boddy and soul and make it instant cast with an absorption and 40% movement speed.

this will probably be my build since halo mindgames sucks.

Here’s hoping they don’t prune more in season 4 season 3 will be boring due to never having dots up having to wait for shadow crash or using it for main dps.

They need to change the four set to buff Mindbender instead or something make it a permanent pet.

It feels kind of boring with shadow crash but we will see how season 2 is got no high hope they should make dot application better for shadow.

I think honestly the devs should ditch the voidform and what remains of insanity alltogether and figure out what they want shadow to be.

Ideally, I would like it to achieve three things:

  1. No ramp-up, infinite scaling or stacked modifier gameplay, to prevent the spec needing consecutive nerfs and adjustments done to it multiple times during an expansion, which leave most talent choices meaningless and dull and the gameplay utterly dismal until you get max ilevel, by which time it will bw too late already. This also means removing things like PI, so that the rest of our kit is not nerfed because of it.

  2. Reduce button bloat and merge abilities that do similar things. For example, remove mind games but add instead the healing reverse/damage absorb to Mind Blast in a weaker form. Halo and Divine star could both also be removed, or redefined as purely utility, rather than dps abilities.

  3. Fix our talent trees and makw the choices interesting. No other class in this game has to spend as much nodes on basic utility at their spec tree as SP does. Make silence a priest talent, not sp talent. Make dispersion baseline, and last word a choice node in priest talent tree.

Make capstones more gameplay and defining (idols).


Add back mind sear add back livingshadow from season 4 shadowlands and that you can use mind blast during mind flay and during instant cast mind blast you proc a living shadow that dps and you can stack up to deal dps with instant casts shadow word death and mind blasts procs make it a mini game.,

then add in that mind blast procs pain and VT on targets and make mind bender a permanent pet.

Remove boddy and soul and feathers and add in soulshape and doors of shadows and that they give absorbsion and movementspeed (also instant casts).

make dark ascension instant cast.

lastly #

  1. Remove shadowform make it optional
  2. Remove void form
  3. Remove PI and give us hero.-’
  4. Remove shadow crash
  5. Add back cascade Remove Halo divine star make it applie VT once.
  6. make dark ascension instant cast

Might sound ‘‘hateish’’. This season makes the class specc so boring to play compared to season 4 of shadowlands like where is the DPS? the fun?

(take it or leave it start 10.2 with a buff),Shadow,your%20next%20cast%20of%20Shadow%20Word%3A%20Pain%20by%20225%25%20(was%20200%25).,-Shaman


What i find astounding is the lack of aoe. every other class has that built in either make mind bender a permanent pet that cleaves atlest.

or add back mind sear.

love how shadow fell down to the ground in raiding and m+ in one patch and no buffs.

i agree with that an also bring back shadowlands play with the necrolord covenant abiliy unholy nova with the pet it would be better than mind games.,8%25%20in%20PvP%20combat. ← JOKES bit ROLfmao buff still a buff but pvp lol . . .

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biggest joke is the aprils fools isnt even out yet this has to be the biggest joke ever

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