Blizzard Address Shadow Priest In the near future

Swap to Mage

Just remove Psychic Link already, it never worked properly and never will because it’s a terrible design, same as Shadow Crash. I’m ok with the builders but SP needs a proper AoE spender.

Also the way SP applies DoTs needs to be changed, Misery is good, just give us a spell that spread DoTs like the old Mind Sear or something similar to Affliction Warlock so we can deal with adds spawn

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They need to do an overhaul of the class.

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Probably the same dude that thought removing Fear Ward would be wonderful

still botton feeder.

24 Shadow Priest 779 ↓2

devs doing their job.

Give shadow a blink with door of shadow or soulshape.

they should make halo an spender instead remove devouring and make that an spender.

era of dots is really gone to be honest.

an blink 2 (doors of shadows) instant cast 50% movment speed after cast dps during dispersion also instant cast halo and Void form and Dark ascension.

Then make halo an spender remove shadow crash make halo add dots to all targets it hits

also make fear an range aoe interrupt ability like warlocks stun

they could as Thellanah said remove void torrent make that talent in to mind flay instead.

blizzard are just in the bubble they care way more about SOD than current wow.

still bottom XD

hahah blizzard cares :stuck_out_tongue: