Blizzard Address Shadow Priest In the near future

They do… and I can say I have been able to top DPS in many games if there is nobody targeting me. What they do not have though is a re-castable crowd control which allows you to continue or begin full dmg which means controlling and most importantly WINNING the game is not quite as easy as all other casters. It is possible, just more challenging which is what Shadow Priest should enjoy about the specialization.

The pvp for shadow feels horrible nothing to do in dispersion, you can’t even cast. Also Halo a cast time DA cast time VF a cast time it feels terrible our Flash heal heals for nothing also Power word shield absorbs nothing at all.

Also Mind flay is bugged to remove cast time if you get attacked and C turn is still bugging and Having a interrupt still as a talent feels awful.

Shadow crash talent bugs if target dies it doesn’t land.

If 3 target melee groups you die.

this comment its literally an comment of the century. They don’t care.

hah ha ha yeah right hard cast on mate. Next patch they are in a caring mode for paladins sadly not looking in to shadows hard cast they need to make Dark ascension instant cast and Void form too.

thus the start of a low shadow dps expack starts.

How to fix it lets nerf our aoe. Good job…


  • Psychic Link now inflicts 25% of its direct damage to targets afflicted by Vampiric Touch (was 30%).

class design indeed. :stuck_out_tongue:

After raid last night - Shadow Priest is the clunkiest mess I’ve ever played in any class/spec since Vanilla.

Just gonna say devs sleeping another expack.

no, mind sear shouldnt be added back, they should give us extra charge of crash, crash should be baseline and extra charge as talent

I had high hopes for SP as this could’ve been the xpack for us lorewise

blizzard when working for shadow priest xD

pvp xD ← even

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they should buff

To proc on mind blast as well and buff it up to 100% instead of 20% health make it spawn when you crit instead.

would had been fun to see a DA build with shadow word death cleave would make [Idol of Y’Shaarj] + mindbender viable

also cap it to 3 mind benders

I think it was fun to play this DA build bender did loads of dmg https:// imgur. com/a/V8JFgPl ←

talent build ← this was a fun build focus on making bender up rather than thinking about hitting mind blast using shadow word death.

I wish they made mastermind a 1 talent instead of a 2 talent point and also made some changes in to the shadow talent three gave us silence for free etc.

so we could pick Idol of y’shaarj

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Tbh it would be a QoL if vampiric embrace would cleave to 2 targets by default

My honest view of shadow this season.

Remove void torrent Add it in to mind flay / mind spike Empowered instead.
Then you solved the movement speed issue then you can run while casting Mind flay and mind spike.

Then buff the mind bender talent in Voidweaver to always spawn when you crit during mind blast and shadow word death.

Then make DA instant cast and Void form too.

I explain that in the video.

Nerf down Entropic rift some.


Problem is the devs not the playerbase :stuck_out_tongue: until next time.

if the devs cared then shadow would be a cool mindbender run speed game.