indeed it is bad. imagen if paladins divine storm was talent locked with all those choices being to good.
Indeed bad they should remake legendry’s such as the rift legendary to deal rift damage while channeling mind sear whilst the mind bender is active instead.
well 9.0.5 was a disappointment nothing buffed in the aoe at all.
Except Shadowflame prism (2-5 target cleave legendary) being buffed by 40%, and being added to mastery (A further 30-45%)
still a remarkable sloppy fix that address nothing. I will still run Talbadar’s Stratagem
For what? I mean I agree with you, Bliz using borrowed power as tuning knobs to attempt to solve baseline problems is nothing new and nothing good, but SFP in 9.0.5 is a legitimately good legendary that you will be using outside of single target for more overall damage.
still not a ‘‘perma fix’’ require 2 spells and self damages spell to be used i one shorted my self with shadow word death trying to learn that legendary thing. All i can say i wont be using it, 9.0.5 didn’t solve anything for me that is maybe for you that is.
Our main spell and spender (MB and DP) spawn an apparition.
If SN stays a talent, it should at least apply VT instead of SW:P and spawn apparitions like DP…
Or could be something more elaborate like full moon with :
- first application => dmg + VT
- second application => dmg + sw:p
- subsequents applications => dmg + apparation
The problem is if blizzard buff dot damage people gonna complain we deal to much to fast and if they dare give us a base line the ginger people will complain we channel spells remember back when mage had to channel blizzard why can’t blizzard give back cascade for shadow or Halo with a cast time a big aoe that deals damage that has a small cd like blizzard problem solved.
No… Just no… We don’t need a pull the entire dungeon ability. I’ve been leveling through dungeons as disc these past few days and have been playing around with halo, and with how tight the dungeons are, it was likely to pull 2/3 avoidable packs
make it only dmg engaged units like they did with hunters and boomys star falls.
this needs to happen right away druids boomys and afflic rogue rogue locks are insane doing 12k dps while rest of the classes are at 5k 4k
its sad there’s only 1 good legendary in this whole expack for shadow the rests are just execute your self legendry’s.
i barf at the sad excuse for cleave shadow don’t have
Go craft shadowflame prism.
its only good if your night fae doesn’t work for other covenants due to cd on void form for 2 mind blast spams and you take damage reduce if night fae + its not good due to self damage shadow word death making your healer go oom or killing your self. Still they haven’t fixed or addressed anything by making 1 covenant viable work with 1 legendary.
They should just buff mind sear and searing nightmare. Talbadar’s Stratagem will still be used.
It’s still best for M+ for all covenants. The night fae thing is only to beat out talbs on single target.
u are right. but isnt that pretty much every class right now?
for tyrannical most likely.
So the Prism is overall better now in M+… even tyrannical weeks?
Yes, the burst single target is incredibly high, and the aoe is really strong even without fae. Fae is just required to get it to beat talbs on a 5+ minute single target encounter.
Shadow bursts harder than convoke with SFP.