might give it a spin… i miss my spriest alot
the PI being sharable is still annoying.
might give it a spin… i miss my spriest alot
the PI being sharable is still annoying.
I have to say its still not easy, like there are still keys you play SN, you do still need to be decent at multi dotting / being efficient with GCDs and positioning between pulls. SFP isn’t the free win it seems so many people want. The damage is there though.
I’m just tired of the “nothing is good enough” mentality. Bliz buffed an aoe legendary to the point where it’s winning in BIS gear on 1 target, let alone 5, and people are saying 9.0.5 did nothing.
never is haha… people just enjoy overexaggerating and doomsaying when it comes to the forums
Every player wants free wins and his class to be top dog nowadays.
Thats why pugs leave whon 1 wipe or 1 arena loss.
I havent tried prism yet, i figured for this week talbs is still the go to leggo
still the case if not night fae.
Did nothing for me that is. besides killing your self with shadow word death.
Fire mages still doing insane damage with ilvl 200 uncapped aoe 30k Flamestrike.
Considering death and madness is the go to in m+ by the majority if this was a real problem people woulda been killing themselves long ago.
Sounds like your taking alot of avoidable damage if your able to kill yourself.
I would love to see evidence of this. Haven’t a single fire mage in my group manage a 30k DPS pull. Or you about to link me the MDI as evidence?
Here’s something to consider.
Fire mage is the fotm we aren’t susposed to be matching it. However findle and more stream spriest play and overall damage between him and other classes seem pretty fine.
The changes aren’t at baseline. Which is a annoyance sure. But declaring their not a fix is silly.
That legendary does some insane damage and I’ve never managed to kill myself with shadow word death.
have you seen pilavs videos on mages goes 26K in over all Total dmg yestoday when they did achievement hunting on twitch
There is srsly no single point in this game except where bosses take 100% more dmg and you pop everything you have + pot and backlash crit kills you. Beside that, with SFP, you even press shadow word death even above 20% hp which also never should kill you. This is a player or raid/dungeongroup problem.
Our fire mage is able to pull even 60k with pride and the new legendary. 30k is really nothing if are talking about big m+ trash pulls, like the worms after second boss in Mists or almost every trash pack in Sanguine Depths. Ofc in ST scenarios this number is impossible. I remember back then with lower ilvl he was able to burst 20-30k which i never liked but to push keys it was awesome.
Is pilav a 200 ilevel mage tho?
no but a trash geared pvp trinkets full mages does more dps than a 226 geared shadow thats class balance
Well I guess Ur playing with much better mages then I lol the ones I’ve seen have been a let down haha
I dont really consider trying to be balanced against the current FoTM a situation that should be happening. its pretty obvious Fire Mage needs to be nerfed lol we dont need every caster lifted to fire mage standards.
ever considered mage being the current FoTM is the problem not shadow? im never sure to really beleive statements like this however, we’re comparing the 2nd best DPS Specc to the 4th Best DPS and ur saying in ilevel disparities the shadow priest cant perform against them.
If this is true.
then No other class is performing like a Fire mage also.
this buff all it did was force me to play Night fae it isn’t a buff to the other shadow priest and if you address that 1min cd along with a 2min cd time up in a m+ without being night fae then you must be a inconsiderable hippie
whilst stacking 2 fire mages is more benefits then taking 1 shadow and 1 mage.
In general all this thing did was remove searing nightmare because people at Activsion don’t want shadow to have dps.
Stacking 2 Shadow priests is More benefit then taking 1 shadow 1 BM hunter.
u like what i did there?
oh dear shadow suffers the same problem as every other class… go make a Fire Mage take Bastion and lets see if it does the same numbers.
how does a Legendary Remove a talent?
Fire does more dps in 2 sec than i do with dotting 2 targets they are long gone.
but u could say the same thing about 99% of the games Speccs compared to fire. thats the point here.
Ur taking a Extremely Overpowered FoTM which “replaces” EVERY DPS SPECC IN THE GAME and applying it against Shadow… without contextualizing the fact that EVERY DPS SPECC is suffering compared to Fire.
why arent u comparing us against Arcane Mages, Frost Mages, Sub Rogues, Assassination Rogues, Feral Druids, Elemental Shamans, Havoc Demon hunters…
why are u taking the One Outlier of the entire game and Only comparing that?..
Fires the problem. not Shadow. thats just the fact of it, Fires making every Specc Redundent in organised Play, it can be used to replace any class.
becouse it ‘’‘’‘’‘’
Yet Searing nightmares stil the most popular build? in the highest keys.
Because its the only stable dps atm and its a joke talent that should be a baseline cascade should replace it instead
Doesnt change the fact that we are competitive with 99% Of classes and the 3/4th Most popular DPS Specc in M+ also a Top 5 Specc in Current Raid.
not two last bosses in raiding we aren’t.