Blizzard Adds 100% Player Experience Buff - Winds of Wisdom

If you still have the issue.
I also had a similar situation(9/10 of my eligable chars doesn’t have the buff lolz).
Launched the launcher again and saw WoW has an update. Updated and it fixed it.

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A wily capitalist solution to a social ill. Quarterly sub line goes up, up, up while people isolate.

If I would use this to level up I will simply stop at 120 and put the alt on ice! Not leveling essences and gear grinding mythics on another character again!

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Captain Buzz Kill in the house.


You ready to grind all the essences and insane amount of mythic dungeons with the current RNG system with another character over again?

Blizz simply can’t win. I bet if Blizz gave you a new 120 level char, decked in 475 gear, all essences unlocked,gold capped.
You would complain that…you don’t like the haircut on the char…right? :rofl:


no he has a guild that will do this for him. very nice. 5% of population very happy. wait till mr john newplayer smith reaches 120 and enjoys the wonders of bfa grindfest

no we would not. hyberbolic nonsence

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Just made eight levels on my Mechagnome within one hour. It’s crazy but acceptable. I’m pretty sure I’ll max both the Vulpera and Diaper Amputee Gnome out during the event.


Guess i don’t have excuse to lvl hunter and finish project 12 anymore

love you blizzard

How come? A free buff, no strings attached. Yet people STILL complain?
There are other reasons why people level alts you know.
In my case-> Planning to go horde for shadow lands. This buff makes the perfect time to get my “new horde mains” up and ready…level wise anyway.

If somebody doesn’t want to level alts cause of end-game grind or what ever. Well the exp bonus wont change their minds anyway…


what are you going to lvl?

Since wotlk. I always was a rogue-mage player. No matter how good or bad those classes were. Always mained them haha.

So care to take a guess? :smiley:

Although, kinda loving them bDKs as well. In a casual(lets clear a +10 for the lols) playstyle. Not in a serious mythic raiding or m20+ way. Might take advantage of that buff and level up a DK as well^^

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So in your head does your argument make more sense or does it sound more convincing to you if you add a crying smiley face?
Did I ask for a ilvl 475 gear or gold capped? No. The essences is possible to grind but simply too much unless you have the time. The fact that idiot Blizzard removed all vendors means we have to try our luck at RNG with sometimes weeks going by without getting the right gear and traits. Ah and the hair? I could not give a damn about the hair as apart from hair styles there are a lot of things missing in WOW but I and I am sure a lot of other players have accepted that WOW runs on a very very old game engine and a lot of things are simply not possible! The few things like PvP vendors though they seem to mess up anyway. But hey fanboys like you will always be happy!


AHA so you are the one who is ruining arena :joy: :rofl:

Well, I mean, it is true. Especially people doing something like the ironman challenge. They won’t be getting the true experience

Good. Happy you dont like it. That was probably Blizzard whole idea behind it, making sure you dont like it, maybe theyve even given horde chars 150%,that wouldve been even better


Every single person in Bnet of mine is on some alt :joy: :rofl: guess i will do weekly some other time


Ironically. PvP is not my thing. The closest thing to a PvP experience for me is World PvP roflz and the bg grind to get that blood of the enemy essence haha. Last time i stepped into arena was…hmm…cata?

Appreciating a kind gesture from Blizz doesn’t make you a fanboy.
If a neighbor brings you a freshly baked apple pie simply cause he wants to share(and not expecting a favor in return). Do you berate him for parking his car in the wrong place. That one 1 bad morning which he ruined with his lawmover. Or any other “complaint” you may had against him in the past?
Well. I dont bring back up old sh*t at every possible moment. Especially if its a positive moment.

But since I am “fanboy”. Saying something nice towards Blizz is pretty much the highest heresy right? Imagine. Giving Blizz a thumbs up? OMG thats anathema!!!
Don’t worry. The exp buff and its hype is only temporary and everyone will be back to their “everything sux. Blizz sux. Activision sux. That sux. Heck…U SUX!” modes. Just like you like it eh?

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